Friday, October 14, 2011

What if trials of this life.. are Your mercies in disguise

Weird how God works... He puts you through storm and rain.. but before that, he prepares you. ;) He prepares you well enough to face it. He gives you your life jacket, or in some cases, he teaches you how to swim.. He gives you a boat with adequate amount of food. He sent angels. He gives you the proper equipment to repair the boat, incase the storm gets harder. And most importantly He asures you, that you are not in it alone.

You know how comforting is that? Because if it wasnt, I wouldn't be sitting here and writing this if I am alone. I wouldn't be listening to the song "blessing" over and over again. I wouldn't be able to think, "what's next?"

Last night, was one of the hardest night I've been through. But last night, was also the night, where I said, "Lord, I'm tired. Would you help me now? My hands are too small to carry all this burden. And I do not know anyone elses hand, who wants to share and take away this burden from me, besides you.."

They say, when God is everything you want.. then you have everything you need. Weird, how only in these times of struggles, we want him, We pray to him. We ask Him to do something. We want to feel him near. We always take advantage of His kindness.

But you know something else? ..He doesnt really care.;) He doesnt care if you take advantage of Him. Yes He hurts sometimes. But all He wants, is to be there for you. He wants you, to be near to him too. His love is way too much to give us lesser things. Amazing aint He?

What if Your blessing comes through raindrops..
What if Your healing comes through tears..
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what if takes to know You're near.
What if trials of this life, are Your mercies in disguise?"

When darkness seems to win, we know.. the pain reminds this heart..
That this is not our home..

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