Friday, May 22, 2009

I will 2

This post is in relation with my previous post..Don moen-i will sing =) simply only wanna add the numbers..hehe

Anyway..I was just wondering, in acts chapter 16 .. st paul was whipped and sent to prison for preaching the word of God.. and here he did something unusual..he actually turned His prison cell..into a place of worship.. I mean if it was me..who had been beaten, falsely accused and imprisoned because of doing God's work..would i really stay up late all night just to sing praises to HIM??

To be honest..I'd be more likely giving God or the jailer a piece of my know protesting the unfair treatment against me.. I mean in my previous post..whenever i've been treated unjustly.. or something like that..all i do is complain and try to make things right.. I will of cause sound out my disagreement..

Well, st paul here did the opposite..didnt he?? He had indeed learnt to be content in any circumstances.. He has surrendered everything he God..and his only desire..was to please Him..
It was indeed Christ who gave him the strenght to endure any situation..wait..not only to overcome it..but to rejoice and glorify God in the midst of it..

And sometimes..when our own lives take a turn for the can be really difficult to understand God and his that case praise Him then!! ..

At this very moment..You may or may not be in jail.. but each of us may have a situation..where we feel bound..or trapped.. Sickness, death, failure, unemployment, addiction, broken relationships, disloyalty, betrayal, parents, friends, assignments, exams....well anything at all.. You may feel anger, hatred, sadness, regrets, lost, the edge of giving up..

Well, just take a deep breath!! Before you take another step.. maybe you should first praise God for His goodness and His mercy!'s easy for me to talk..I'm not going thru any..

Alright..I'll break the ice.. of all days.. jon asked me to cantor for him today..on ascension day!! Well I was prepared..but then towards the end..something came up.. and I couldnt do it!! I really can't..i was begging my sis to do it..but hey..does she give a damm?? well actually it was pretty high for her..and kinda late already.. And then in the car..on my way to church.. i heard this don moen song..

the part where it says..
"I will sing..I will pray.. Even in my darkest hour.. Through the sorrow and the pain.. I will sing"

Well it really touched me..
And after cantorring..i felt a lot more better.. I was prepared then.. I gathered all the lil courage i had..and threw my pride away..and faced the 'so-called' problem.. =)

Anyway..i know its hard..But if you just release you problems to Him, He will lift you up above you immediate circumstances.. Remember His promise..'they that hope in the Lord, will soar on wings like eagles..' =)

take care..god bless

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