Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mi amor

I have always been a big fan of spanish dramas..and also their people.. I don't know why.. I've like watched so many of them..that i sometimes do not need the subtitle..to know the story.. hehehe.. yeah i know crazy!! ..My all the time favorite..is Mis tres Hermanas.. I saw the whole series twice.. hehe..and the song 'purest of pain' is simply beautiful.. also known as a pulo dulor..=)

Anyway..why am i suddenly talking bout spanish stuffs?? hehe..Cause i received a message from someone saying 'esta bellas mi amor' ...i was like huh?? i know my name sounds like spanish.. but i obviously dont look spanish.. not even close.. Well obviously this person must have thought im from spain..hehe ..

Well..i recognized the word mi amor.. which means 'my love' ..and somehow it sounds more beautiful when its in spanish..=) Then i know esta means 'this'..or something like that.. Now what in the world is 'bellas'?? hmmm..curiously i googled for spanish dictionary..and wanna know what bellas means?? obviously the person was blind la.. it meant 'beautiful' ..lol..so the direct traslation is 'this beautiful, my love' ...hehehe

Of cause, when someone compliment you...whether it's true or not.. there's this kinda special feeling.. i was thinking..'this guy must be such a flirt!' .. Then i looked back at the person's name.. is says..'Eliana Castillo' ..n i was like wait a min! Even in the malaysian world, Eliana aint a guys name.. So i viewed the persons profile... i was like what in the world!! ..The sex says female.. and above all..her birth year..is 1955!! she's old enough to be my mom..and she's flirting with me??? ..

hmmm...i must be really good!! ...hehehe

neways have a nice day!! happy learning spanish to anyone interested!! =)

p/s te extrano y te amo, mi amor

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