Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Her conscience makes sense ;)

Siggghh.. its those one of the days.. where I dug my own grave..willingly..;( So if you knew me well.. here's what I do..to make myself feel better.. ;)

Juan: Siiiggghhh... ;(((
Conscience: So why you sighing.. you knew pretty well it was going to end up this way..
Juan: Yes, I knoww.. oh well, I thought..maybe, just maybe.. this time it would be different. ;(
Conscience: And you tell yourself that all the time.. and still, here you are again..
Juan: But why?? Just why me?? What in the world did I do.. I'm like ...sigghh.. oh nevermind.
Conscience: No.. what is it you wanna say.. Its better to say it..than to keep it all inside.
Juan: Oh you know.. you damm well know what the hell I'm talking about.. its just that.. I don't deserve this la k.. I don't deserve to be taken for granted. I don't deserve to be treated like this..hmm or maybe I do..
Conscience: Yes I know.. but I also want you to know.. that sometimes.. these things happen. No matter how much you try to reach the sun.. the rain is always there to stop you.
Juan: So what do I do?? Jump into the grave that I dug just now?
Conscience: No, You build a bridge.. and get over it. Get over to the sun. It's brighter and happier there.
Juan: And if I don't? What if the bridge collapses?? It happens.. It happens all the time!! ;((
Conscience: And this exactly where, you are in the perfect position to pray ;)

So here it is:

Dear Lord,
Honestly, I don't know what to say. I just ask of you to guard this heart of mine. I don't know why it gets hurt all the time. But if it is Your will. So be it. And I'm sorry, for all the times that you have to replace it with Your heart. It just happens. I've always wondered why.. maybe because I am that special child of Yours..and because only by the heartbreak..I will get closer to You. ;) Oh well, I just thank you..for not leaving me here alone. That you are probably the only one in this whole world, who never ever gave up on me and my nonsence. You do know, that you are the only one that keeps me going. Keeps me alive..keeps me breathing. 

They say, that when you close a door, you always leave another window open. Apparently many doors have been closed..many windows were open too. Yet not one of it..is in Your will. And again, I ask you to give me the courage, to continue seeking that opened window..and whatever that is in it.. and that I may never loose hope, never loose faith, and always remember the reason I am here.


Oh, dont bother me.. I'm just in one of moods again. I'll be back in no time! ;)
p.s To my dear conscience..though you annoy the crap out of me.. thank you for making some sense..;p

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