Friday, August 26, 2011

Only one story, I promise! ;)

Ahheeemm aheemm!! Today, I'm not gonna tell you so many stories. Although I know your dying to hear them.. ;p But I finally found my bluetooth toggle..and could transfer some of my, "not-so-nice-but-meaningful" pics to the pc. So yes, be prepared to see the most gorgeous persons in the world. ;p ;p

Oh wait before moving on any further, I must at least tell you one story. hehe. sorry I can't help it. Just one I promise! :)

So last night, I received a lunch date from alma! ..And I was the happiest child on earth. Oh well, nothing beats a lovely lunch with your close friend. ;)

So she fetched me after work..and I swear my heart came out everytime she hit the break. That's how reckless her driving is.. or maybe its just me. lol.. so anyway.. we talked and talked all the way to Nilai to our fine dining. And when the food was served.. Its like I died and went to heaven. It was so delicious that I wouldnt mind eating it everyday. Ok, scratch that, I don;t wanna die so fast. I have this wild dream of having lotsa great great grandchildren! ;))))

 Speaking of great great grandchildren, guess what I told  my mom yesterday?!! ;))) ..oh crrappp.. I promise you only one story today rite? sssiighh..oh never mind..another day aite? Don;t worry, I got back my blogging mood.. so you might be getting bored with me..even more ;p

So here are the deserts. Apparently, one of the cake not so cantik d..;( and forgive me for the quality of my camera phone ;((

So we had chocolate moist cake, carrot cheese cake, coffee cheese oreo cake, apple pie, fruit tart and pavlova!! ;)))))))  tasted like heaven! ;)

And this is  my little cousin, bernadette.. it was taken last year.. she was 6, and she begged me to colour with her at 11pm..;)) You see the cute face? How to say no?? 

And is what I coloured!! ..heheh.. I know damm nice right?? ;p ;p

Because I babysitted her that she wrote me this note!! ..weeeeeeee!! hehehe..and she spelled my name correctly! :)

These are roses.;) Somehow they make me tear. lol..sorry I only promise you one story. Anyway they were given to my sister by saha for valentines! ;)

This one I did!! ...weeeeeeeee! hehe.. yes I did everything. The cutting, pasting, glittering! ..I was in charge of deco for Internation women's day! ;))

Yeap, that's me, with my sister ironing my hair for Easter. It didnt make any difference, since my hair was already half straight! ;(( Oh We always have our own mini beauty saloon for these ocasions.

 And there, I finally uploaded that age old pic. Hehehe.. its because gosh, did you notice how gorgeous my hair is? hehehe..*perasan moment* ..but seriously, its always when something is wrong with your face, or day, that your hair is soo perfect. But no point, I doubt anyone noticed it. 
They were buzy starring, "Goshh, poor girl ...wonder what happen to here eyes." ;((

This one..because.. daamm I miss my eyes!! ..siigghh

Ok thats it!! ...See I kept my promise.. One one story! heheh..
Have a nice day!

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