Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quite a while..

Wowww..quite awhile huh??? hehehe

and honestly I have a lot to talk about!,...sighhh.. but tak boleh!!..;(
I have like all the time in the world eh..and I finish reading the notebook in a day!!.. "Perfect" in 3 days.. and now I'm starting to read "forever yours".. sighh.. and wait.. did I mention I was away in johore..;) Yes, was cooking,driving around town, gardening,...and stil I finish reading..;p;p oh, the amount of work that can be done without the internet..

But it was quite hard though.. As I had to call yamunah and pinky like about 1000 times, to get my results.. and oh well, I dont know how.. but I can only say Thank You LORD!!..;))

Hmmm..its the beginning of the 2nd sem, 2nd year.. First class today..and its back to 8am class again!!..;(( how was it?? ...yes,like a knife punctured through my heart.. the veins snap, your breathless..well thats how I felt..MEDIA LAW & ETHICS is a killer alrite.. and yes literally.. so hope you dont mind me ranting about it for the next 14 weeks! ..;)

I was 30 minutes late for class.. Though I know I could have gotten up early, took the train, reached on time.. but nahh.. I decided to take it easy for this sem..which obviously is a bad idea..hehe For I woke up a bit late..followed my sis to work, got stuck in the massive jam,and got my self all wet while running in the rain.. barge in room C401 like I'm the next "Kate Middleton.."..;p..and got Ms Yap to stare at me..like a wolf,ready to attack the lamb.. lol..

Hehehe...right after I made my grand entrance in my soaking leggings and shoes.. I gave my sweetest apologetic smile..and "co-incidently" ...she lectured about coming to class late..lol.. and I thought, "Way-to-go, Juan!! what an awesome start!"..;p ;p..and then she moved on to the course outline.. with my mouth fully open..;((( ....sighh...I was speechless.. There's a lot of reading, a lot of writing, case studies..researchs..and the sad part is.. her expectation is way WAYYYYY higher than any other lectures.. ;((...It would take a miracle to pass this subject..;(

hmm..what else.. oh did I mention I'm living without internet at home??..hmm guess I did..;( It wasn't that bad.. another 3 more weeks left!..I just missed blogging.. ;( I did start writing manually.. but it was all sooo..hmmm something I'd rather not post up here..;p and you know what else I was inspired to do???..To write a story..XD ..hehe wish me the best!

One more thing... my dad.. He's been acting real sweet lately!!..Seriously.. Last night he came to my room and tucked me in.. he even volunteered to wait under the rain for my burger.. and gave me his umbrella.. I refused of cause.. I love the rain..;) but its weird.. He doesnt usually do all this.. hmm.. maybe he just missed me..well I was away for a week..;) its still weird though..

Ok, I shall probably stop all my lame stories.. I've been here for a hour already... I have to go to the bank, then get lunch, then bring my dear PC to the shop.. its kinda sick!..sighh.. and yes, read, write, probably watch a movie or something..;) and oh, the juniors are in for their new start...and wwwwooooww..not bad wei!..;p;p;p

Alright then.. will post soon enough when I have all the available networks! ...

Have a nice day!

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