Monday, September 5, 2011

To let go or to hold on?

Honestly, I don't know how life works. ;(

When you're late, everything else is delayed.
But when you're early, everything else is some how early too.
When your dead tired and sleepy, you tend to fall asleep at random places.
But when your at home, on your bed, you toss and turn hoping you could sleep.
When you want so badly to talk to your mom, she somehow turns a deaf ear and contines nagging
But when you just want to be alone, there she is..wanting to give you everything.
When you wish to buy that very something that caught your eyes, your wallet is empty.
But when your wallet is filled with cash, you don't know what to use it for.
When you know you did well for that test, somehow your grades will be very low.
But when you don't bother to study, somehow the grades are the highest.
When you've been good all your life, no one notices..
But when you choose to do something bad, just for that one time..someone notices.
When you wish for the rain to come and take away the warm and stuffy weather, it doesnt.
But when you wish for the rain to go away, together with the doesnt as well.
When you think he is into you..honestly, he is not.
But when you're ready to enjoy your single life, someone comes and spoils it up.
When you wish for someone to give up on you..they don't.
But when you wish for someone else to not give up, they do.
When you want something, you can't have it.
But when you don't want it, it will somehow appear right there, in front of your eyes.
When you think you had it all, something comes in and screw it up.
But when you don't have it all, somehow, things remain the same.
When your filled with questions, you don't get any anwers.
But when you're through with life, something proves you wrong.

Seriously, who can ever fathom the irony of life? It's so mysterious, that sometimes..hmm sometimes you're just so through with it and cling on to "whatever happens..happens! Whatever will be.. will be.."

You are through expecting, hoping, dreaming and wishing. You surrender all of your feeling. And let life be as it is. Oh well, I;ve never tried it before. But then, picture yourself hanging on to a railing or a rope 100m above ground. Isn't it harder to hold on to it than to let yourself fall freely? Yes you may hit the ground and die, but hey, at least you suffer no more by letting go the pain of holding on ;) And guess what, because you have a God that is always willing to catch you, wherver you go, you might survive it ;))

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