anyway..have any of you tasted seaweed??..well, i did.. TODAY!!...good thing, i didn't throw up..bad thing, I'm never gonna taste it again!!..even if i were to live forever if i ate tasted like raw fish!!,...i mean it..RAW FISH!!..and mel was so right..usually Chinese will like it..guess today I proved myself I'm a true and normal born Indian if it wasn't obvious.. but seriously..I'm soo not the sushi kinda person..=(
hmmm..what else.. it's already my last week...and tomorrow will be my last day for the second semester!!..can time move any faster??..i mean yesterday i was just done with SPM!!..and my foundation will be done in a blink.. sigh..well let's recall back this year's memory..
- started my foundation..PEK SHI JIE and TEH JOO HOOI..was my first friends..
- Loved everyone in TB1..even those who has left us..
- Arts and soo not my cup of tea..
- Art exhibition ROCKS though!!
- chicken pox!!!!! argh...
- first TB gathering in Mcd!!
- Traveling daily..hmm..kinda proud of myself!! SURVIVED!!..=) and still will..
- Lost MP3 in first sem...and pen drive in second sem..third sem??..yet to find out.. just hope i dont loose myself..=)
- FUTSAL!!!..
- Astro Awani trip..
- all 6 presentation done with the least embarrassing moments in 2nd sem..
- Got addicted to Pet society, restaurant city, friends for sale and diner dash!!..hehe
- Wore saree for the FIRST TIME!!..
- Met someone special..
- Lost someone special..
- Got my heart broken twice...
There should be more..but I just highlighted the ones that came to my mind..hehe..and now if someone were to ask me..did you regret any of the decision you made..or wish you could turn back time..??..
hmmm..let me take the easiest example.. have you ever done maths??..ok that's a bit too easy ..add maths..have you ever done add maths??.. lol..and nope..I'm not brilliant or a genius..just a normal human..with perhaps an abnormal brain..hehe..but the point is..i find add maths..hard..very challenging..but have you ever felt the joy of getting the answer for a question??.. just to get an answer equivalent to have to go through all sorts of steps..the amount of paper you use for a question..the frustration you get when the answer is wrong..for you have to check back every step..even worse when you're using feel like your brain is about to explode..but the moment you press the 'equal' = sign on your calculator.. and check the answer at the back of the book.. you just go..'YES!!!' hehehe..well, at least I do..for all those crappish moments in getting frustrated finally paid off..huh?? and then you proceed to the next question.. you have this feeling whereby.."IF I CAN DO THAT..I CAN DO THIS AS WELL".. like your challenging your book.."show me what you got"..hehe..
It's like playing a game as well..all you want to do is reach the highest level.. if doesn't matter if you cheat..or what.. you just wanna feel the pleasure of getting there..=) reach the highest mountain, you might run out of might fall many many times..your companion might give up and leave you alone..the weather might bring your spirit down..the dangerous creature is waiting to eat you up..hehe..but you know sometimes..the biggest YOU YOURSELF!! might be the one obstacle that's keeping you from reaching your own you let all these tiny winy problems come in your way.. so what if there's no water?? what if you fall and let yourself to bleed?? what if its raining?? what if there someone waiting to eat you up??..hehehehe... sounds ridiculous right??..i know..but then..try saying this "DON'T TELL GOD HOW BIG YOUR PROBLEM IS, TELL YOUR PROBLEM HOW BIG YOUR GOD IS!!" =) and he'll lead you through the storm and wind.. He'll not only bring you to the top of the mountain..well.. you might be able to reach the sky tooo..=)
sometimes you have to taste the bitter medicine in order to get well..and sometimes you have to stand up straight again.. but it doesn't matter for you have won the race and reached the highest matter what the say..YOU DID IT!! ..
so if you ask me..did I regret the decisions I made..or would I turn back time where I regretted I did answer is NOPE!! ..why??..JEREMIAH 29:11 ..hehehe..
so yeah..just leave it in HIS hands!!..and do your best!! worries..=)
take care..god bless..

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