He will come and save you..
Say to the weary one..
Your God will surely come..
He will come and save you..
hmmm..I can't seem to get this song out of mind..the awesomest song!!..go hear it...=)
anyway..guess what happen today??..okey, no point guessing also..cause I can't hear you..and neither can you hear me..well actually you can..but not literally..cause I'm not speaking..but since you're reading..so you feel like I'm talking in your mind..
OMYGOSH!!..what the hell am i crapping!!??..
sorry..I'm like extremely tired..so tired..why??hhehe...cause I WAS IN THE RACE!!!...=)..
It all started like this..
I was tagged by low ee hwa to enter THE RACE COMPETITION in facebook..organized by taylors college..well i wasn't interested at all..hehe..me??..entering a race??..lol..it's like superman getting raped ..=p..actually aint that bad..just that its been a long time i 'sported'..the last was NETBALL in GOODWILL GAMES..that also..got dehydrated..and almost lost my life..
NO JOKE!!...it's like something sucking out your soul..especially the vomiting part.. i vomited about 10 times till i had nothing left to throw..that my bile, some greenish liquid from my gall bladder started to come out as well..WOW!..I still know my BIO!! ..hehe..lol..seriously IT WAS so GROSS!! ..it tasted damn bitter..i was so close to telling..'CAN SOMEONE JUST KILL ME??!!' i wouldn't wanna go through it again...even of you give me a million bucks...NOPE..i wouldn't...sigh..
And then..here comes the embarrassing part..err..my stories are not official if there's no embarrassment huh?...argh..anyway, THEY BROUGHT ME ON A FREAKING WHEEL CHAIR!! ..and its not the ordinary wheel chair you know..some kinda funny looking wheel chair.. and my dearest sis started snapping my pic...not to mention..the part of her asking me.."HOW MANY MONTHS..AND WHO'S THE DAD??!!"..i wanted to throw up right on her face..but didn't have the strength!!..lol..
wait..the best part..haven't arrive yet.. so they brought me to the st john ambulance..when the laid me.. i opened one eye..and saw the most gorgeous thing on earth!! ..THE GUY WAS SOOOOO unexpectedly DROP DEAD CUTE!! ..and right that moment..GOD will show HIS unending LOVE to me that ..HE had to make me puke there...I PUKED RIGHT IN FRONT ON THE CUTE GUY WHO HAPPEN TO BE THE AMBULANCE GUY!!! ...and that moment..i really said..'CAN SOMEONE really KILL ME??!!" ..argh..
then it was the prize giving ceremony..i was still st john's tent..lying on a mattress...with my team..and jon n mel..and the moment the announced..THIRD PLACE GOES TO HOLY FAMILY CHURCH KAJANG...bluekkkkk....i vomited again..heheehehe...i quote my sis.."THAT'S HER WAY OF CHEERING" lol..i still remember..after that..everyone was going round the whole stadium..to look for my bag..and i had a special ride home..hhehehe..yup.. that's so me.."the weird blur girl who just cant stop embarrassing herself.."..sigh...
Neway back to my story.. one fine afternoon..while having lunch with the troop.. helena said..whoever enter the race..have to pay 50bucks..and GET A SUNWAY LAGOON TICKET!!!..i was like.."what??..you serious??" ...cause the last i went to the lagoon..which is around last year September..the ticket was like 90 BUCKS FOR ALL PARK!!..and we're getting it like damn cheap..NO WAY I'M GONNA MISS IT!!..plus it's right after my exam!!..
so since it was a couple entry..i needed a partner..since rina was single..and so was i..so we filled in the blanks..hehe..tracy and helena was a pair..while my sis and saha..
but i'm telling you..we were only done with the first obstacle..and could feel every inch of our bone breaking..first its the kaki tiga.. then the wheelbarrow.. then the piggyback.. then the traybottle..theh run.. then water balloon.. then CRAWLING!! ..*i hurt my knees here* ..imagine crawling up and the down..on a rough tiled stairs..i got up..and my knees started to bleed..sigh..and then had the maze.. and the up 3 stairs..and down again!!..it's like ...gosh i can't explain it..after that.. we DROPPED DEAD!! ...i was having the dehydration feeling again..lol..and was praying..and hoping.."please take it away, lord'"...and it went away..lol..and we manage to complete the 2nd obstacle..which was pretty fun..but screwed up the last part..hmm..
anyway..had lotsa fun..and met some new people.. and I'm on a mission..TO BUILD MY STAMINA back AND LOOSE A COUPLE OF POunds..hmmm..and "THE BIGGEST LOSER ASIA" is gonna start!!..can i just enter for like 2 weeks??...i wanna loose at least 10 POuNDS!! i already have a personal trainer..=p ..hehe..just my food intake..hmm..
but nevermind!!..YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!! ..10 pounds!! ..in 3 week!! ..IN THE GYM!! ..weeeeee!!..
and not to mention..SUNWAY LAGOON ON THE 3RD OF OCTOBER 2009!! ..hehehe..and btw.. next week right..all the contestants are invited to bring their friends..to the theme park..and the ticket is only 35BUCKS!!..FOR ALL PARK..*WET,DRY,SCREAM,EXTREME..and wild life* ..so if anyone is interested..can send me a message..i can get the tickets!!..=)..but its only on the 3rd..hehe
woohhhhooo.. watch out lagoon..your gonna have the craziest bunch of visitors ever!!..=D
nitez!!..sweet dreams..=)

Hey Juan!
ReplyDeleteEe Hwa here.
Sorry to hear that you puked so many times. Hope that u're feeling better though, and Helena too!
Btw, is it okay if I post your this link of your blog to TheRace Taylors in Facebook?
Ee Hwa
hehehehe..no problem ee hwa..thanks for dropping by!!..=)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Juan!! :)
ReplyDeleteU're welcome too!!..