anyway..i attended 2 funerals last week.. first is aunt Mary Fabiola's brother, David Marshall..died because of the damm scope done by the clinic which tore up the internal organs of him..and they say that he died cause of what the hell right??..I;m not suprisela.. It's Malaysia.. 53 years also still no use..=(..and the other is Alfred, an 8 year old boy who died because of brain tumour..his funeral was on asked my catechism students to make him a was really touching..the words written on it..sigh..and today I found out..CHIN KHIEN KHIEN, my ex-classmate mom passed away on Sunday..cause of breast cancer.. I seriously can't believe it.. I remember every CNY..she'll invite us to her house..and her mom used to tie a scarf around her hair..and I finally found out why..sobs..sobs.. yeah!!..what kinda friend am i??..=(
So for the 2 funerals i of it..had a very touching eulogy..they way it was presented can even make a stranger I asked my sis.."if you were to write me a eulogy, what would you say??"...she thought a while and replied.."FINALLY SHE'S GONE!!"...=( hehehe..i was expecting something meanla..but not as mean as then I was telling her.."for my funeral right, please play the song..'in the sweet bye and bye' and also 'hosea'...and you know what she answered??...she said we'll play the song, SHOWERS OF BLESSING for you!!! usually play that song for weddings yeah..she's not as nice as you think she is....=(
anyway that's how we seriously she's my pillar of strength.. got no idea how in the world she can stay so positive minded..wish i was like her..*shhhh, don't tell her about this k??*
neway..there's some pics of the orchestra we went to..and my sis was so proud of her new yeah she wanted to show I didnt really add any effects..i think it's ok just they way they are..=)

The orchestra..the were good..i loved it!!..=)

My sis..oh yeah..did I meantion the dunggu straighten her hair??..=(

Me..with my weird God knows what color hair..=(

that's it..
take care God bless..
take care God bless..

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