Seriously, I have no idea where the weekend went.. It must have went somewhere.. cause its no more here!!.. ssiighh.. so very fast they past by, don't they?.. why can't we have 4 days of weekend and 3 days of work?? ..I mean, you can use the extra energy to work harder than ever for those 3 days eh?? ....shheesshh.. hehehe.. Don't mind me, I just want my weekend back!, as if I was working really hard for the past 5 weekdays.. hehe.. well, I'm just fighting for other peoples right.. hmm ok, I shall stop crapping.
Anyway is it just my place or has the connection gotten waayy out of hand??.. grrrr!! ..I think even the tortoise would have lived and died d!.. seriously, dahlar you have to wait for soooo long, only to find out that the page fail to loadd.. geram or not??!.. arghhh!
So back to my weekend.. hehehe.. Attended a wedding.. Nope, never met the couple.. Just went there to sing, and hey no harm in helping to join two hearts right..? .=) ... There's wasn't anything extraordinary for the wedding.. just the choir rocked of cause!!.. =D .. Not bragging or anything, its just been a while since I last had goosebumps listening to HFC choir sing!!! And so, I made up my mind.. no matter where I'm gonna get married, I'll drag HFC choir along!..=))) that also, if I did get married...hmm..
Ok, lets not get to that part.. You'll probably gonna need to whole box of tissue..;p ;p
Anyway, lol,, again back to my weekend! ...I attended this freedom of religion talk in church..and it was good!! ...Heartbreaking right.. to love someone from that "one" particular race and not being able to be with them for the rest of your life, unless you change your religion.. and this kinda nonsense only happen MALAYSIA! ..Sorry, I can't possibly mention that race here, or you might have to visit me in ISA.. lol..
Anyway, lol,, again back to my weekend! ...I attended this freedom of religion talk in church..and it was good!! ...Heartbreaking right.. to love someone from that "one" particular race and not being able to be with them for the rest of your life, unless you change your religion.. and this kinda nonsense only happen MALAYSIA! ..Sorry, I can't possibly mention that race here, or you might have to visit me in ISA.. lol..
hmm, then again RPK was bold and brave..and what nonsense! yeah, if there is one thing I'd have to fight for all out.. its for my religion and human's right.. Hence, let the truth speaks for itself.. lets say if your a Malaysian who fell in love with our fellow Muslim brethren.. its either you change your religion to theirs, or migrate to another country.. or well, you have to forget the whole thing.. ssiigghh..
Weird, its your very own right to fall in love, yet it is brought to justice... It is your very own right to practice what-so-ever want.. yet, you need to get an approval..
Weird, its your very own right to fall in love, yet it is brought to justice... It is your very own right to practice what-so-ever want.. yet, you need to get an approval..
A divine and holy name should bring everyone together..yet they burn the church for it.. They placed a cow's head because they don't want a temple to be built there.. Insane and ridiculous, if you ask me. And if we are to question, they shut us under ISA...sighh.. Where is justice, I longed to ask.. Where is humanity, I wonder.. Where is love, the one love that could break the barrier between colour, language, race and religion?? ...Aren't we all the same, in the eyes of God? Are we that degraded, that we are not subjected to taste the freedom of our very own human rights in our very own country.. "tanah tumpahnya darah ku?? .."
And if they come up with a rule... "if you don't convert, you are to be murdered.." ... Lord, we place this country in your hands..
They ended yesterday's talk with this poem.. written by ANWAR FAZAL.. I had goosebumps reading it..
We all drink from one water
We all breathe from one air
We rise from one ocean
And we live under one sky
We are one
The new born baby cries the same
The laughter of children is universal
Everyone's blood is red
And our hearts beat the same song
We are one
We are all bothers and sisters
Only one family, only one earth
Together we live
And together we die
We are one
We are one
Peace be on you
Brothers and Sisters
Peace be on you.
Anwar Fazal

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