So anyway, since I'm here in one piece..and feel like 50 year old..and there's another 30 mins for top chef to start..We shall all take a look at this! ..Hehehe..
Rules : Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 30 Random Things , facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 30 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you. Just quit the internal whining and do it. =)
Sarah tagged why not..=)
1. I am a pure Indian.. though my name doesn't really portray it.. but trust me, the black hair, dark skin, long noes, big eyes, spicy food.. says it all.. =)
2. The one word people love to associate me with is BLUR ...but to be honest, I am really not that blurr.. though you are totally disagreeing with me now.. hehe..try having a heart-to-heart conversation with me.. and I might prove you wrong..;p which you might end up calling me weird..hmmm
3. I love blogging.. I love reading blogs.. I love knowing what else is in someone's mind..besides their usual behaviour.. I love knowing why they do such things..or what interest them.. and I absolutely love stating why, and what I did. In other words..I simply love crapping.. like now..;p
4. Yes, like other normal people. I love music. Though I prefer singing compared to playing the piano or guitar.. I think music speaks the inner part you.. the real you..
5. I use to love the colour purple.. and I can't find a reason why.. maybe because, its full of sorrow, a bit dull, very mysterious.. like you have to peel the find out its true meaning..
6. I am very much single.. though I'm proud to say that I'm mentally dating a Taylor Lautner who has got no idea of my existence..;p
7. I have one sister, whom I treasure very much.. hehe.. you didn't think I'd say that rite?.. but seriously, without her, I wouldn't imagine how my life will be.
8. I have TWO BEST FRIENDS.. whom I would never trade in for anything, or anyone.. CRYSTAL LAVINYA (full name..;p) and JACYNTA JASMINE!! ..Love them to bits!
9. I'm totally a big fan of boy bands! ..yes, you heard me. BOY BANDS! ..hehe.. WESTLIFE, BSB, 98 DEGREE! .. why? because they are cute, they have amazing harmonization and the respect the women in all their songs! ..=)
10. You got to be kidding!! now only 10? ...argh..anyway moving on.. I adore kids!! ..though I agree the can be a real pain in the you-know-where.. but seriously, I am very much amazed on what goes on in the mind of a 6 year old!
11. I'm afraid of all animals.. yes ALL! ..even hamsters, I'm afraid I'll squash and break their bones. Cockroaches are a big NO-NO k..
12. I can't see blood. If I do, I'll nauseate and sweat like crazy.. and probably end up on the ground the next minute. One of the main reason why I failed to be a nurse.
13. I love the rain. I love the smell of rain. I love getting wet in the rain..when I'm in the right clothes that is. Something that is not white, or heels and jeans!
14.Speaking of clothes. I'm not a big fan of skirts and dresses. The only time you see me wearing a skirt or dress are the days where I have presentation. Or else its JEANS all the way baby!! .. lol..
15. Heels are not my type either.. Flats, sport shoes, flip flops.. now your talking my language.. But as you can see the length of my height..hence I decided that wedges are not that bad either..=) Ok now you must be thinking, "maybe she's a guy deep inside!" ..hehehe.. its called COMFORTABLE.. and if your not comfortable with what your wearing.. might as well wear nothing! ..;p
16. I am very careless.. In the past 2 years, I have lost a hand phone, a pen drive, 2 MP3 players (One of it I accidentally put for a wash in the washing machine!), 2 touch n' go cards, a citizen chain silver watch. So please, you might wanna think twice before handing me your valuables...=)
17. I fall easily. Yes, very very easily. I am talking literally. Absolutely clumsy! ..Tripped from the chair, fell from stairs, fell down straight-front, fell down while running, dropped the whole load of books, spill the drink, broke glasses, hurt myself! ..yikes..
18. And I fall easily too. Not literally this time. But yes, I do. I really do..sighhh.. a weakness which is yet to be undone!
19. I am not a cheese person..unless its from secret recipe! ;p
20. Buy me a chocolate indulgence..and we can have another date! ..hehehe..;p ;p
21. I don't drink coffee, I don't drink tea, I hate milo but am forced too because my mom says "You're a growing child, you need to have some milk for calcium".. and those are her exact words.. lol. I don't drink milk by the way..Unless its with coco crunch or honey stars..=)
22. I can be very very romantic..with the right person.. that is! ...ceeehh waaahh.. *syok sendiri!* ..;p
23. I use to write poems.. but I stopped.. and I never knew why.
24. Come around with your guitar..and I'll fall head over heels. It aint a joke! ..I have something for guys with guitar..
25. And someday..I'm gonna ride a HARLEY DAVIDSON.. with my long red hair and a knee high boots! ..someday..
26. I love HORSES!! ..weeeeee!! .. not that cause I was born on the year of a horse.. but well they fascinate me, just like that!
27. Recently everyone hates me for one common thing. According to them its taking me an hour to reply their messages. Today Crystal suggested that I threw my phone away and Jacynta refused to speak to me cause I didn't reply her messages. sighhhhh.. its either I'm so caught up with things or my handphone decides to betray me! ..grrrr!!
28. I hurt easily. As easy as I fall. And when I do, it'll take me ages to find myself back again.
29. I admit that I'm very very ego-istic! ... Yup, the lady is filled with pride, which is a BAD-BAD thing.. But I'll change! ..I will...
30. I cry easily too.. Movies, songs, short clips, poems.. lol.. I could cry all night.. I could cry all day..
Oh great... when its already 30.. then I'm getting idea's on what to write about me.. one last one.. I'm vain! ..hehe ..very very vain. I don't know about you.. but for me, vanity is a gift. You get to feel good about yourself! .. and your not afraid of it..hehehe..but of cause..too much of something is not good.. So humility is even much much bigger than vanity!
Moral of the story.. don't let anyone bring you down..
There! ..Mission accomplish! hehehe..if you manage to complete reading till 30, I salute you..truly! for taking your time and hearing my nonsense! ..TRIMA KASIH!
P/s tomorrow's gonna be an awesome day in Sudha's place! .=)

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