Tuesday, November 2, 2010

delusional, depressed and dangerous..

No, you dont wanna mess with me now.. and neither do I have anything in mind to blog about.

Hmmmm.. seriously I can't think of any.. but there must be a reason why I decided to blog a post today!

What else.. come on! ..Think Juan! ...hmm..Though your suppose to be in bed already considering the fact..that you have to get up at 6AM! ..argghh!

Hmmm.. and oh oh..I just had one of the most tastiest KIT-KAT CARAMEL CHOCOLATE ever!! ... ohh noo.. Its chocolate again.. and after much research for psychology.. no one ever knew whether depressed people eats chocolate.. or could it be that chocolate causes depression?! ..Either way, why does the best food have to come with something bad as well? and yeah, I'm feeling depressed! ..arghh.. why is it always me?!

Like I had the most tastiest ROTI CANAI today with PAM! ..and a nice chat as well! ..She's one person you can go on talking and talking! ..One hour passed by like a minute k!..and btw the amount of oil in the Roti Canai, could cause someone's death! ..Somehow God decided He's not finished with me..so I survived today's breakfast! ..Hmm.. and nasi lemak.. char kuey teow! ..pisang goreng.. sssiiighhh.. And lately I kononnya became a healthy eater.. except today la.. No oil, no fat, no sugar!.. Aarghh.. why? ..I dont know.. but they all said I lost weight! ..weeeee!! .. but that's because I start skipping meals!..siighh.. no appetite..so you can't possibly force the food down your throat rite?.. sighhh..

That's life huh? ...You can't have all the best moments.. unless it comes along with something bad.. You need both sun and rain..to see the rainbow..

Ok when I was writing this.. I was very delusional and depressed.. possibly dangerous..cause I pressed the keyboard so damm hard..that it went in! ..ARRGHH.... I had a lot of things running of my mind...

But well, thanks for dropping by..to hear about my critics..on MALAYSIAN FOOD! ..but you have to agree, there's no where in the world that could come close to Malaysia's food!! ..Tasty and dangerous! ..Hmmm..

I promise you something intelligent next time..

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