Monday, November 8, 2010

Because its hard being me..

Anndddd... she's back again!!!.. or at least for now! ..;p ;p ;p..

Firstly...HAPPY DEEEPAVAALII, dear bloggers!!! ...Hope it was as great it was for me!..hehehe.. Oh yessssh it was!!

Roaming around my lovely kurti..with the sweat dripping on my powdered face.. it was all worth it! ..and yes.. almost every..I repeat EVERY INDIAN HOUSE had this on their menu.. CHICKEN CURRY/SAMBAL, MUTTON VARUVAL, ANY KIND OF VEGE AND COLOURED OR GHEEE RICE! ..but hey.. how could you ever resist FOOOODDD?.. especially when its to die for? ..Healthy eating, diet..all goes down the drain! ..and yessh, cookies!! ..Muruku, achi muruku, and the rest..I have got no idea how to spell.. but I'm sure you know it!! hehe..

Ok.. lets not make this another food blog k.. since all my past two post was about fooooooddd! ..But seriously, I just wanna say that your missing a minute in heaven the moment you refuse foooddd cause you think your getting FAT! ..hehehe;p ;p

So anyway.. lets talk about the usual..
Hows life?..hmm.. Hows mine? .. I have no what-so-ever idea.. Its like I'm stranded on top of a tree.. a 50 feet high tree...with no leaves.. and the rain is giving me chillss!! ...When the sun is up.. I can barely look up cause its soooo veryyy glaring!..siighh And here's the best part.. I see an eagle flying.. near to me.. A cruel, villain-looking eagle..that is more than willing to taste your flesh.. or perhaps its wondering the same question..I am asking too.. "What in the world are you doing, stuck in a tree??!" ..


Me: What are you doing??
Juan: I have no idea....
Me: What are you planning to do?!
Juan: Excuse me, if I knew, whyy would I be stuck in a tree??!
Me: Because..only a fool like you..would choose to be stuck on a tree...and not try to set yourself free...;p
Juan: Haizzz... why do you have to be right...always?!
Me: I am not.. the thing is.. you already know what is right.. but you refuse to believe that is the right thing..till someone tells it to your FACE!
Juan: ...grrrr..
Me: I am right again huh??
Juan: sighhh..yess..=(
Me: and by the way... you're messed up!
Juan: ...really?? is it kinda obvious??
Me: You just typed a whole conversation with yourself...;p

And that is the perfect example of what your NOT suppose to BE or DO! is only allowed for Juan Margrita! .. Because sometimes.. its hard being me! ..sigh..

No more questions will be entertained!.. Thank you

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