10th october 1999..my first holy communion
15th of July 2007..hehe..yeah that was 2 years back..but I'll never forget this day.. the day i was confirmed..
..holy matrimony..hehehe..will send you guys invitation..if it happens..=p..somethings tells me it will..or maybe not..=p
Today, i played back the tape...as it was confirmation day in my church.. I remembered my time.. We were all sooooo excited!! Went all around the world to get the perfect white dress and shoes.. hehe..ok i didn't go all around the world..and i got a skirt instead of a dress..but I wished i'd worn a dress..lol..
Anyway..i was the first..and right in front.."they claim i was the smallest!!" not in size of cause..but in height!! like what on earth rite??..all eyes were on me..i so hope i dont trip and fall..i have the public humiliation phobia you see..=(..behind me was anusha.. actually i turned out to be taller cause of my heels! wait a minute!! Im not short..!! Just not that tall..=p
Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit..
You know what that means..??
Yeah already received the Spirti..yeah so now what??..its like a license for me to get married!!>.=p hmm..what else...?? Go on to college..stay in hostel..be independent!! saying to all..'LEAVE ME ALONE!!' Find a new gf/bf ...go clubbing..maybe try smoking.. or even better..premarital sex.. cut mass!! turn into a lapsed catholic.. A catholic for name sake.. The bible belongs in the dumpster.. God?? who in the world is HE??
=) Sounds wrong??..but its the fact isn it?? I dont even see half of my catechism friends in church anymore..and we're talking about 50.. and soon..these people are going to get married..and their children will turn out to be exactly like THEM!! and there goes..the soldiers of Christ.. betraying their own.. the catholic population decreases..what goes around..comes around..
Whats the point of receiving it then?..I remember Mr leonard pelly..my confirmation teacher..(for a min i wanted to type in lecturer,,hehe) But he is one heck of a dude I tell you.. His famous words..'YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING CATHOLICS!!" hehehe..harsh??..nahh..yes he was strict..but absolutely funny.. I enjoyed his class.. he manage to bring in a situation where you can feel the Spirit..though it's pint silent..no noise..no song..no words.. just pure..absolute silent..
He made me see..how beautiful the mass is.. You know what's the problem with catholics..?? They have been PROGRAMMED!! yeah literally.. Mass is something that falls in their unconscious state of mind..whereby they can say the order and all the responses for mass..even when they're asleep..and that's how..attending mass..becomes a duty!! not by free will..on your own insticnt..we feel obliged..not because we WANT too..but because we HAVE too!! when in fact mass is a celebration!!
You know everything that happens in mass..is from the bible itself!! somehow other denomination prefer to go their own way..If one understands every single thing that happens during mass..and how important and beautiful it is.. they'll yearn to go mass..not every week..but every day.. the long to receive Christ!! it's empty if they dont.. Leanord Pelly always reminded us about this verse from the bible.. 'DO NOT GIVE WHAT IS HOLY TO DOGS" ..where it means..you can't received something if you do not know what it means.. One day you go..the next day you don't.. cause you dont feel like it.. If you ask me..that'll be like mocking and humiliating the CHRIST!! The eucharist is like a game to you..and you play it whenever you want..
We have receive the sacraments..and we don't utilize it..dont you think we are no more less than dogs..?? Let me put it this way.. your hair is black.. to make it look nicer..you colour or straighthen or perm it..maybe even bald it.. the same goes to your body..you cloth it.. you pierce it..you tattoo it..and then.. you dont keep it to youself now do you..?? YOU SHOW IT OFF TO THE WORLD!! ..right??
The same goes with confirmation..you receive the holy spirit..you beautify it..by making it grow stronger..day by day..praying..reading.. and you dont keep it to yourself..YOU SHOW IF OFF..by spreading it!!..as simple as that..
okie..i crapped a bit extra today..hope it make sense..
oh yeah..
but sorry to say..ours was still the best..=p
No eyes has seen,
No ears has heard..
No mind can know what God has in store..
So open up heaven..open it wide..
Over the church and over our lives..=)
take care!!..god bless..

hehehe..my confirmation skirt and blause..with MY SHOES!! Love em..but thanks to my sis for loving it more..and wearing it ofter and thus spoiling my heels..=(
my black straigh long hair..and my glasses.. and i still look hawttt dont i?? =p
im forgetting something else..oh yeah..MY SIS!! ..hehe
15th July 2007
juan, is tat u? i cant regconize u leh! haha!
ReplyDeletehehehe..yaloh pek..i also cant believe it..look like some aunty..hehe