I wish to say I just got off my car all the way from JOHORE..broke open my house door..slipped down while making my way to my room..switched on the pc, rushed through the network, ignored FB and CITYVILLE.. just to open this page and start crapping something... lol..unfortunately its been like 3 hours after ALL that..hehhe.. well anyway.. WELCOME BACK PPL!! ..hehehe...yes, its suppose to be the other way round..but since I can't really hear you...so yeah! ;p ;p
So how's Christmas..?? How's mine? ..hmmm pretty interesting I guess. The same normal, exciting Christmas every year..
But I learnt somethings at the end of it..
- That sometimes.. no matter how hard you try, you can't possibly change another person, if and unless they have the desire to do so..
- That sometimes you got to learn how to sacrifice, if you want to draw a smile on another person..
- That its not about you all the time..
- That everyone wears a mask..whether you realize it or not..
- That no matter how much one hides.. deep down inside..there is a sense of emptiness..
- That something happens to you..if only you allow it..
- That nobody said this life would be easy.. but it all depends on how you look at it..
- That it takes guts to actually admit that we have done something wrong..and not many have it, sadly..
- That Christmas is not really about the presents and wine.. its about being together, a family.
- That the true meaning of being a follower of Christ is to love unconditionally..the old, the mentally disabled, the hater, the killer, the rascals, the alcoholic, the pedophile, the rapist, the whore, the fragile, and the ones who have hurt us because no matter how much we hurt God and his people.. He loves us just the same, as much as all the saints and angels..
Ok, enough of lessons learnt... I'll post more on my Christmas in Johore, tomorrow k? ..hopefully! ..hehe =)

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