LOL.. I had to go back to Kluang..due to some unavoidable circumstances.. and had to take the midnight train to come back, a week later due to some other unavoidable circumstances as well! But I'm back.. all fresh and renewed! ..;p
So I've realized a couple of things in this one week of so-called break during my holidays.. that everyone wears a mask.. whether you realize it or not.. EVERYONE wears a mask..Of cause, we girls and some guys.. have our special cleansers, toners, moisturizes, foundation.. and contact styles.. eye makeup, hair dye.. and recently I'm interested in lime green hair color! ..Don;t ask and nope nothing wrong in that.. Its human nature to feel good about ourselves.. then again why cant we be happy with black wavy hair, or black eyes, or faces full of pimples..or a tanned skin.. Like Bruno Mars said it, "Cause you're amazing, just the way you are.." ..yet somehow there's this another part of us..that wants more.. that is always not content with what we have.. and a way to satisfy ourselves is by wearing a mask!
And so there are some..who were masks and hide behind their gorgeous collective items and branded clothes.. the number of girlfriends or boyfriends they had.. while some hide behind their flirting and sweet talking.. Seriously, you wanna win a girls heart..just have a heart.. thats all it takes..=) and of cause the kinda words we use too.. like we want to keep up with the world.. because when we take out these masks..when we become who we really... they just dont recognize us.. and so we're left a lone...
I feel like Im giving a philosophy class here.. but we shall continue! ..Forgive me but after 1000 years of not blogging.. i suddenly feel like so semangat!! ..hehe..
So anyway..theres this another kind of mask.. which many many of us wears it.. and that is THE SMILE! ..and I'm sure all of you all agree I have the gorgeous smile ever..LOL.. oops.. i didnt mean to read your mind..hehe but well, dont you all agree.. with that one smile, we can prevent numerous of questions that we dare not answer? And with that one smile..we can also make everyone else feel better too.. as it doesnt cost a cent to smile..but its surely worth a million dollars!
We were a smile to hide the hurt, the pain, the fear, then embarrassment, and simply because.. it is so much easier to curve you lips.. and hide everything..;)
Yes, I wear masks too..sometimes.. I mean looking at the amount to D-R-A-M-A's I've been through.. trust me.. it was so much easier wearing mask..=)
And I realize another thing as well.. that all of us are ATTENTION SEEKERS!! .. what differs is the degree of it! ..=)
So you may not agree with me.. but well, just take a look at facebook.. and the kind of status updates.. So we know your heart is breaking.. why must the whole world know too? .. And twitter of cause..hehe .. Tumblr too could be a place to seek attention.. like your reblog the pictures to see how many actually reblog them from you.. and the number of followers too..!! hmm what else.. oh yesh pictures!! ..hehehe.. I dont deny my vanity.. and I agree that I sometime take pictures..and couldn't wait to upload them! ..why? ..Memories.. maybe.. but yes because we want the attention too! ..And why go so far..My dearest blog.. yes I write because I want too.. because it is who I am.. but then again there's this another part of me that wants YOU to read it as well.. I want your attention! ..;p
But there are dangerous attention seekers too.. the ones who create DRAMA.. the ones who make up stories, abuses friendship.. shed crocodile tears.. And yes, those who wear those masks as well..
To be honest.. in this fast moving world.. it is not easy to be who you really are.. because you might be labelled as lame, weird, out-dated, ....but that is the challenge isnt it? ...You do not change for anyone.. its either they love you for you are.. lame and weird.. or you rather not have them at all! ..Why? ,..because you are worth so much more than that!! ...
Hope you enjoyed my philosophy class today! ...hehe..

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