Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quit smiling..=((

Moral of today's story...

Don't ever, EVER smile at strangers... apparently, "smile makes the world a better place" ..only applies when the world is still safe and you can walk out of your house at 12a.m. or sight seeing without getting injured.. but now.. smiling at strangers is like a free invitation to your bed!! ...siighhh

But a big thanks to SHAUN LAZAROO.. he is truly heaven sent.. the perfect time, the perfect gender, the perfect words! ..=))

Or else.. shheesshh.. another drama..

Anyways, remember, don't ever EVER smile to strangers.. especially with a breath-taking smile like mine... they melt there and there.. and that's it! ..;p ;p hehehehe

Oh oh..and did I mention I absolutely love my friends?? oh yessshh I do! =))

Ok, a whole load of assignments on the way..

Got to go!

1 comment:

  1. What happened? Whom do I need to whack now? ;)))
