anyway here's my story..
i woke up at around 9a.m. and rushed to church for choir practice..and this time i was happy..for once i aint the last to arrive!!..but i was 10 mins late also..colin,chris and rozanne was there..and also the flower arrangement comittee..the other 4 (daniel,christopher,kavena and marcus) was not there yet..
after like about 45 mins Marcus arrived..and it was pretty obvious the other 3 wasn't coming..i was like..'for the first time i'm early..and there're not here??..grrrrr!! and then charlotte, joanne, and michelle tagged end up we couldn't practice..just played praise and worship songs..and talking crap..then we went to SP for our usual drink..
around 2pm all had to leave..cause they had to attend audrey's wedding..and me...well i decided to have a hair cut..because..i'm having SPLITED ENDS!!!..AAAHHHHHHHHHHH ..whats the big deal?? means my hair is not healthy..well, serves me pollute it with all those coloured chemicals..I MISS MY BLACK THICK HAIR!!! ..that's more poison for my hair..!!=(
I went back home at 3p.m ..and remembered Freddie said there was a wedding at 4..well practically we get invited to all weddings in HFC..if its in english..hehe..give our voices for their tying of knot.. so took a quick shower..and drove to church..when i arrived..all were still waiting for the bride..i only saw fred and abigail..i was like..'thank god i came'..fred played the organ..
and sis (after her date) ..and ashley and flora came..yay!!!...more people..
so yeah..after wedding mass..went back home and have to get ready for sunset mass..hmmmm...
after mass..rina's mom sent us to metro point..that's where lim's farewell was held..
Lim was one of my closest friend..
Drives me crazy with every chance he gets..
Pulls my hair..and handprint my lab coat..during chemistry..
Throws paper from behind..(he seats at the back of the class..i'm right infront)
He thought me how to flirt..
The smartest in my school..
An excellent badminton player..(i was the usherer..hehe..we wanted to skip class and also collect certificates..) ..
A runner..both long distance and short..(during cross country..his group was the last to be released..and still he overtook me..and hellloo..i do run..=p)
Played baskelball and volleyball..together..once..
My one year accounts class partner..both he and helena..but at the end..neither of us took the paper for spm..
He tricked me with the crush calculator..and found out my CRUSH!!!...(i was sure of transferring school then)..
Took chemistry tuition with his mom!!..She's awesome..unlike him..hehe..=p
He will be kidnapping me on my wedding day (if it ever happen)..
Sat next to me..during SPM!!..hehe..
He's going to University of Adelaide, continue his studies..
His girlfriend is Rina...our classmate..
I'm gonna miss him!!

did i mention he makes fun of my height?

i forced them to take this pic..they ended up calling me 'paparazzi'..

the lady wanted to charge us 5 bucks per snap..

new haircut..=)
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