Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got early this morning..
and rushed into the day..
I had so much to accomplish..
That I didn't have time to pray..

Problems just tumbled about me..
and heavier came each task..
'why doesn't God help me?'..i wondered,,
He answered,..'you didn't ask..'

I wanted to see beauty..and joy..
But the day toiled on gray and black..
I wondered why God didn't show me..
He said..'you didn't seek'..

I tried to come into..God's presence..
I used all the keys at the lock..
God gently and lovingly chided..
'my child..you didn't knock'..

i woke up early this morning..
and paused before entering the day...
i had so much to accomplish..
that i had to take time to pray..

don't worry..i didn't write this...mine aint as good as this..i saw this at the centre..
it caught my eyes..thought of sharing.. it..

actually i got lots to say..but i can't..its impossible...to put down here..
but i don't understand!!!!!!
i don't!!!!
why does life have to be sooo unfair????!!!!
i cant sleep!!..it's freaking 4.00...have to get up in an hour...
can some one answer me the question why??..
why you don't miss your water..till the well runs dry..???
it's not relevant..i know..but but..
i can't even curse!!!
how in the world..am i gong to let it out!!!!!!!
i officially declare myself as crazy!!!..
take care...

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