Friday, March 6, 2009

Enough is enough!!

last night mom ask me to blog about this case and write to the press..but i had to finish up my piblic speaking outline as it was due today..

anyway..this morning i took yesterday's malay mail paper..and after that i can't wait to blog about it..dont ask me's some kinda intuition..

Two days back, Kugan's autopsy report came in..after like..a month plus.. He
1)was burnt 17 times with an extremely hot iron instrument..
2)was starved during his detention
3) suffered massive internal bleeding due to repeated beatings
4) suffered internal bleeding in the scalp area following repeated beating with a blunt object..
5) died of acute kidney failure due to the assault...
oh yeah..and he had his whole body bruissed..

The question here does not have anything to do with religion, politics or whos right and whos wrong..But...THE RIGHT OF A HUMAN TO BE TREATED AS A HUMAN BY ANOTHER HUMAN...wait a minute..not even ANIMALS should be treated like this..!! what more human??

Didnt their conscience tell them anything..while they were damaging and literally destroying one of their kind?? How heartless and cruel can the soul that's locked beneath that 'innocent/ mask get? ...the pain he felt, he obviously must have cried..didn't they hear it?? Didnt't they feel it?? What was running on their mind while they were abusing him?? ..Were they satisfied??..did they take pleasure in other's suffering?? Did they not believe that God do exist?? Is this what their parents and teachers taught them?? And after over 50 years of independence is this where we long to be?? ..a heartless, merciless and callous world??

What wrong did Kugan do...that he deserve such cruelty?? Even a murderer, a drug addict, a prostitute..if you ask me..deserves a second chance to live..and make up with where they left..

I do not wish to pint-point at anyone..but it's pretty obvious what's going on.. The people that has beed trusted to protect the citizen are starting to do them harm... Fearful and afraid they are to these 'animals' in the form of human.. That's what you call those without feeling and heart, right?

What about the one who forged the first post-mortem report ?? Was money so great that it manage to rip of the 'human' part in him?? Where did his sense go?? What is the point of you studying so hard but live a fake life?? He saw what they did to him..didn't he feel the urge to fight for Kugan's right as a human and bring to justice those who are concern??

*sigh* many questions i shoot..but no answer i find..besides, that everything happens for a reason.. the mystery has to be solved.. the missing piece need to be complete the picture..
His death must not be a waste..
but instead as an answer to our doubts..
a way to the truth..
a hope for a better life..
a sign that this world can change for good..

But what if it doesn't work??..what if they sabotage and manipulate it..all over again.. just like they use to..??

Dear Lord, open the eyes of out heart and accept this world..just like you did..
Help us to live in courage and diminish the fear..
Help the authorites realize..that injustice should be banished for good..
Help them to see the things we see.. and give them a proper mind and heart..
For they are many who thirst for JUSTICE!!..

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