Anyway what is done is done.. I can't turn back time..though i really wished i could..but's not that easy ...ceeehhh..why am i so worked out??...ITS FREAKING ARTS!!!!! ...and it wasn't my fault at all..i guess.. I really didn't know that i was suppose to present assignment 1 as well... i could see the disappointment in Ms danielle's eyes..haizzz... and i do not wish to point finger to anyone..just wished everyone will be judged fairly..=S
well anyway,...i just hope i have enough time to finish my visual diary and packaging last hope for arts..and then after that I'M DONE WITH ARTS!!!....YIIIPPPPPPEEEEEE....
and we had our own dresscode for today...we had t-shirts sprayed with balck and red spray..symbolizing love..hehehe...well i changed after that..mine was a bit tooo huge surprisingly.. hehe..
and we had our own dresscode for today...we had t-shirts sprayed with balck and red spray..symbolizing love..hehehe...well i changed after that..mine was a bit tooo huge surprisingly.. hehe..
actually rite..despite our awful performance..we did have lotsa fun!!...hehehe...

...pek eating..cheng yee and charlene..wanted to become kids again!!..pek and cheny yee..wearing costumes designed by 'utarians'!!

becca...the upcoming bangla devil...hehehe

charlene..with pek's tofu..outside the door..trying to come in..while we block the

cheng yee...with my bottle...locking me outside the door..manage to get a pic or her..hehe
I think i most probably be chopped into pieces..after they view my blog..but hey...who cares!!!

cheng yee...and mua..!!..hehe ..yeah..wassup with the hairband??..felt like wearing!!

dearest becca and meee...!!

mel and her bread...and meeee... wouldn't be official without me...
annnddd...VAINITY RULEZ BABY!!..=P
will post more pics later aite...!! take care!!
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