if your looking for a movie to watch..i would suggest you to watch 50 first dates!!..
the title..may sound like a 'pimp' kinda movie...but seriously..it's not..
in fact it's one of the most amazing love story i've ever watched..
it started like this..
the Hero, Henry (Adam Sandler) is a vet, and a playboy....there isnt any girl in that town that he hasn't dated..and right after he gets what he wants..he dumps them..!!
and then..he met this absolutely gorgeous girl, Lucy (Drew something)..in a restaurant.. she was sitting there all by herself.. The weird part is.. she was building some sorta castle with her waffle..that's more than enough to catch anyone's attention..
and of course..this happens in almost all the love stories..he gets goosebumps..and when he starts to talk..only air comes out..he forgets himself..and bla bla bla..
and so He decides to come back again the next day..
this girl..was there of course..still with her waffles..and this time she was building a bridge..
he tries to make a conversation by giving her a toothpick..to make the bridge stand still..
and then..yeah..you guessed it..they somehow fell in love..and decided to meet again the next day..
only difference is.. the next day..she stared at him..like she doesn't know him.. and when he walks to her and tries to crack a joke..she was giving the 'whats your problem' stare...
and then he tries to touch her..and this really pissed her off..she started screaming..
he was in a total shock..'yesterday was so perfect'...what in the world happen??..
the owner of the restaurant..brought him aside..and told him the actual story..
this girl Lucy..was involved in an accident..she had a severe brain damage..and is now suffering from short term memory lost..which means..when she wakes up from sleep..she forgets everything that had happen..the day before..
the only thing that she remembers..is the day before the accident..
Henry of course..couldn't believe his ears..
at home...for Lucy..it's the same thing everyday...her dad and bro..made everything look the same..they even have the same newspaper delivered to her...all in the same date and day..
her clothes...her dad's gift..the paintings..all the same..!!
Henry didn't want to give up...he wanted to win her..and so everyday..over and over again..
he made her fall in love with him...(so cool huh??)
but he never had a one night stand with her..
anyway..one day by accident..she found out..the date..for the real day..she went back home..
and they told her the whole story..
the next day..she forgets again what happen the day before..
but this time..Henry taped everything that had happen..
and then only was she able to accept it..
n thats what happen every day..
well..one day..she over heard Henry's conversation with her dad..
Henry was turning down an offer (where he was suppose to move to another country)..
because..he wanted to be with her..not only now..but forever..
he says..that he believes..she can be cured..
but the doctor was so adamant..that she cant be cured..
and so..she decided to erase him completely..she told him not to meet her anymore..
she wants him to have his own life..
well..he had no choice..for she had already made up her mind..
and so he decided to sail far far away...before he left..her dad handed him a CD ROM..where there was a song..that carried a deep meaning..
after listening to that song..he knew something wasn't right..
so he sailed back..and rushed to Lucy's place..
now this girl Lucy..was an art teacher..
and when he saw her..he asked..'do you remember me?'..
she said..'no'..
he was like..really dissapointed..
just as he was about to step out of the door..she called him..and asked for his name..
then she asked him to follow her..
she brought him to a room..full of paintings..
here's the best part..the paintings in the whole room..was full of his PORTRAIT!!..
he couldnt believe his eyes..
he was puzzled..
she said..that she dreams about him everynight..and that he is the only one in her mind..
all day long..she doenst know why..
awwwhhhhh...amazing what love can do!!..
the ending..find out for yourselves!!..
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