Tuesday, January 13, 2009


i'm in college...wooohooo...college baby!!!...ok..i'll spell it out..C-O-L-L-E-G-E!!!!!
wow..like some one who just came out from her mom's womb right??

anway..these are my subjects..
introduction to arts, english, computer studies, public speaking and communication, accounts, and economics....
one look...boring???
second look...y not??
yeah..i went with the second choice..
introduction to arts..at first i thought it was about the normal theory...like arts as in arts..
but then...suddenly ms danielle (my lecturer) was listing down stuffs like..poster colour, crayons, brushes, colour pencils..and i was like..what on earth??
i thought i was done with arts when i was in form 3...suddenly this lecturer of mine tore my life apart just by listing them down....
the best i had in arts was umm..a freaking C..*SIGH*....gonela..
guess i just have to leave it in God's hands..n that he'll guide my hands to handle the word A-R-T..

english..was like normal.. lecturer was awesome..but unfortunately she's a replacement..
hope the next lecturer..will be as fun as her!!..

public speaking..ok i guess...just hope i don't throw up the next time i give a speech..

computer studies...shouldnt be a problem...my pc it was one of my best friend throught out the whole 2008 year..
it was with me when i had nothing to do...
it found me new friends who changed my life
it made me fall in love with music...once again..
basically it saved me from boredom..
so yay..!!!..my pc..
now we should see...how you really work ok..??

accounts...econs...hmmmm...it's all in your hands my Lord..!!

from pure science..im changing my destiny to pure arts..
well..i'm sure there's a reason for it..
my times up!!...
well keep you updated about this life of mine...

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