Friday, August 14, 2009

my kinda boy??..

I see..everyone posting this in facebook!!.. hehe..and finally lim just had to tag yeah.. i'll give it a try..=)

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

if you're a guy- post this as my kind of girl...
if you're a girl- post it as my kind of boy...

1. Do you need him/her be good looking?
erm...they say look doesn't matter.. hehehe..but as long as he is "lookable" then it should be alright..=)

2. Smart?
my definition of smart...= rational and tolerable..

3. Preferred age?
older!!..but not toooooo old..around my age..i guess..heehe..or else i'll look like his

4. Preferred height?
definitely taller!!..=D

5. How about sense of humor?
uh humor, no me..=p

6. How about piercings? doesnt really matter..but not excessively..=)

7. Accepts you for who you are?
hahahahaha..DUH!!!!!..or else..kiss me goodbye..=p

8. Pink hair? this question even legal in here?? he's a

9. Mushy or no?
hahaha...that will be kinda

10. Thin or fat?
just the right size??..not fat..not thin..*am i asking too much??*

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
err...nope..this aint a problem..just dont come in blue or green..or something weird..=p

12. Long hair or short hair?
erm..preferbably short..=)

13. Plastic or metal?
whatever that means...i prefer metal..something solid..something bendable but not breakable!!

14. Smells good?
uh huh...=p

15. Smoker?
sorry..out of my list..hehe

16. Drinker?
not really a drinker as in a drinker..*does that makes sense??* he drinks but not addicted to it..=)

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
heehehe..why not??

18. Muscular?

19. Plays piano?
not necessarily..hehe..

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
yeah!!!!!...i have something for those who plays the bass

21. Plays violin?
erm..not necessary also..hehe

22. Sings very good?
yeah!!..singing for God and for he has to be musically

23. Vain?
hahahah..join the club, baby!!..=p

24. With glasses?
doesn't matter..

25. With braces?
it won't last forever...

26. Shy type?
erm...come to think of wouldn't ask if you're shy rite?? nope!!

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
rebel!!..haha..i love challenges..=p

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb? * hot or sexy ?
hot and sexy!!..i'm a lil bit greedy..hehehe

30. Singer or dancer?

31. stunner?
only to me...=p

32. Hiphop?
erm..doesnt matter..

33. Earrings?
again it doesnt matter..hehe

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-un
huh??...english please..hehe

35. Dimples?
omigosh!!..i could stare at you forever!!

36. Bookworm?
erm....doesnt matter..but preferbabbly no..hehe

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
that will be sweet hehe

38. Playful?

39. Flirt?
that's a must!! flirt no butterflies in stomach!!..hehehe

40. Poem writer?
hahahahahha...that will be nice!!..=p

41. Serious?
only when its the right time..=)

42. Campus crush?
ermm...doesnt matter..heheh

43. Painter?!!..not a big fan of arts..but it will be awesome!!

44. Religious?

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
uh me..hehehe..but not too much i guess...

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak i gues!!

47. Speaks 20 languages? long as he understands my language..hehe

48. Loyal or faithful?
whats the difference??

49. good kisser?
yeah baby!!..thats the essence..haha..sorry a bit naughty today..

50. emotional or cool ?
in the middle..heheh

additional *
enter your crusher's name...
so that she/he will know wat u think bout her.
you kidding me?? your dreams!!..=p

hahaha..feel free to tag urself..=)

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