Last day in UTAR..hmmm.. It reminds of the last day of school.. all busy arranging our tables for SPM.. taking pictures with everyone we meet.. walking all around the school..talking crap.. "Checking" out the cute guy..for one last time.. wont meet him again..but still dont have the guts to go and say "hi"
I wonder hows today going to be.. meanwhile..its been a while since I did surveys.. so here's one!..=)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, Fill this out and repost as, "My Autobiography" And use your own answers, not anyone else's. and tag 21 frends including me..
1. Where did you take your profile pic?
erm..In facebook..I took it in the car..hehe..after my sis 21st birthday dinner..
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
A dress.. normally I'm in jeans and sport but I decided to wear something different since its the last day..and the next thing I know..they started asking.."are you going for a date??" ..hehe.
3. What is your current problem?
The brain is trying to catch up with life..the heart's finally FIXED though a bit distorted though ..the mouth cant stop crapping..=) ..
4. What makes you happy most?
Blogging..and blogging.. oh yeah..FRIENDS!!..=)
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Right now..all I'm hearing is UTAR's annoying printer that sounds like a mentally retarded halfway constipated ELEPHANT ..hehehehe
6. Any celeb you would marry?
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
ohhh..erm..Catherine Marie Leaonard from HFC..
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
hahaha..yup.. and I end up embarrassing myself 90% of the time..=p
9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
nooo..the say I look like my"eehhww" rite??..hehe
10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
DUUHH! ..hehehe.. erm got a whole lots of them.. mr bean, mickey mouse club house, totally
11. Do you speak any languages?
err..if i am I to answer you then??!!.. I speak english, malay, tamil and sometimes my sis say I speak JAPANESE!!..=p
12.Do you ever watch MTV?
uh huh..
Chapter 1: =====================
1. Middle name:
hmmm.. margrita..NOT MARGARITA!!..sigh..
2. Nickname(s):
I think I could list a whole page of them.. erm..pig, piglet, babi.. Fort margherita.. MARGARITA!! ..jobabe.. ju-on.. hu-an, JUAN PABLO MATOYA..*dont ask* ..=( lol
3. Current location:
4. Eye color:
Dark brown..
Chapter 2: =====================
Do you get along well with your parents?
Most of the time i guess..
Chapter 3: Favorites ===========================
1. Ice cream: Vanilla and chocolate..=)
2. Shampoo/conditioner:
From Cosway..forget whats the
Chapter 4: Do You... ===========================
1. Dance in the shower?
NOOO..hehe..i sing though..
2. Do you write on your hand?
Not really..but they do..when they're bored..hehe
3. Call people back?
as is what?? yes I guess
4. Believe in love?
5. Any mental health issues?
sadly yes.. Blurness.. a bit of dumbness.. Blogging madness.. emo-ness to the max.. CRAPISH every second I get the chance.. Music and lyrics freak.. lol..
Chapter 5: Have You.. .=============================
1. Broken a bone?
Not yet..hehe
2. Sprained anything?
Normally when I play netball..=)
3. Had physical therapy?
4. Gotten stitches?
Noo..and do not wish too..
5. Taken painkillers?
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last ===================================
1. Movie you watched:
In cinema its NEW MOON!.. At home.. its TWILIGHT!!..hehe
2. Three people to text you?
Cynta, James and stal..
3. Person you called?
4. Person you talked to?
Kuan Lock..he's sitting next to me.. in lab..=)
5. Thing you touched?
The keyboard??
6. Thing you ate?
Kesari..=) some indian sweet..
7. Thing you drank?
This morning..havent drank anything yet//
8. Thing you said?
About my transfer to different college for my degree..
HOW I END MY SENTENCES ===============================
1. I love: YOU!! music =)
2. I don't understand: certain things sometimes.. ok..MOST OF THE TIME....=p
3. When I wake up in the morning: I so WISHED it was SATURDAY!!
4. Life is full of: ADVENTURE!!.weeeeee!! ..
5. I get annoyed very quickly when: all they do is COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN and COMPLAIN!! ..sigh.. oh yeah..those using excessive VULGAR words.. hehe.. the ears is too healthy for all these stuffs..=)
6. Parties are: not really my type..but when I'm with them.. *friends* I go crazy..hehe
7. Dogs are: normally reffered to as man's best friends..but I stil fear
8. Cats are: sooooo not my type!!...haizz..
9. Tomorrow is: MY PARENTS ANNIVERSARY!!..
10. I have a low tolerance for: arrogance, pride and EGO!!..
11. If I had a million dollars I would: prabably donate..dont really have much interest is money though..hehe..crazy eh??..
12. I'm totally terrified of: call me nuts.. but it should be
thats it??..hahaha.. i have another hour left..hmmm

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