Juan: ..like duh!!..its the last week of foundation!!..
Seenu: sooo...??
Juan: errrr...
A typical guy huh??..hehehe... I mean.. it's a whole difference story when you have long hair..*mostly* ..and wear skirts..or heels.. loves MANICURE and PEDICURE!!..and EARRINGS!! ..=) ..totally have a crush on TAYLOR LAUTNER..unless your my sis la..she doesnt have a life wei!!.. she doesnt THINK TAYLOR LAUTNER IS HAWTT!!..LOL..yeah..tell me about it..=p ..well.. in other words its called A GIRL..hehehe ..sorry I like stating the OBVIOUS and going around the bush!!
..when your a girl.. you have to have a CAMERA with you!! .. *mostly* ... FRIENDS.. are like FAMILIA... we share..we care..we love.. apparently BOYS dont get it!! .. all the care is FOOTBALL..*man u, chelsea, arsenal or liverpool* .. get a life dude.. chasing after a girl..is surely much exciting than chassing after a ball..=p and also about CARS!! ..gosh I dont know what is it.. with boys and cars I mean how in the world..can a four wheel drive..that doesn't breathe..doesnt talk.. doesnt wink..DOESNT EVEN smell like how a girl smells.. can be more interesting..than a GIRL??!! ..sighh.. if its a HARLEY DAVIDSON..thats a whole different story.. hehe
Ok..seriously..I have NO idea..why I wrote about that.. I mean..its not like it bothers me anyway.. lol.. totally none of my business..apprently i belong to the single's group.. so there will I stand..=)
So anyway..I watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 today.. yeah I know.. exam coming.. this girl.. tak habis-habis dengan blog..dengan movie..dengan facebook.. sigh.. nanti jadi "anak dara tua yang tak berotak" ..baru kena..=p..hehehe
Hhehe..nice or not my BM??.. dont play-play k.. You'll be mesmerized..when I speak the language...ceeeeh... ENGLISH also tak pass-pass..ini nak cakap BM..
OK..tooooo much crapping..lets get to something serious..
so where was I??..oh yeah.. HSM 3 ..to be honest..like MEL said..there;s NO STORY!! ..lol.. I like the songs btw..and no offence.. but vanessa hudgens CAN'T ACT at all.. seriously.. ZAC EFRON.. was perfect la.. totally different from NEW MOON.. all AWESOME actors!!..both physically and emotionally!!..=) thats why I love that movie!! ..WOW..i realize every post since last week I mentioned on NEW MOON ar??..hehe
I love this song.."can I have this dance.."
which to be honest.. I've never really been to a PROM with the.."dude".. the first prom..was with CYNTA.. she happens to be my date..lol.. we all like "jakun" la..first time prom mah..like "rusa masuk kandang..hehehe.. second time.. was with a guy.. but he's MY FRIEND!! ..i mean i do like him as A FRIEND..but thats it!! ..sigh.. I know I "jual mahal" gila-gila.. saha use to tell me.. but hello.. but its not like I want to..I mean I can't say I feel something..when I feel nothing rite??.. so how can I be categorize into "JUAL MAHAL" kinda type.. which can partly be true.. explains the part where I DONT HAVE A DATE FOR MY NEXT PROM!! ..sigh.. wait.. we're not even having a prom..
oh my...the girl's going mad again..
can someone just slap me.. if i ever post about relationship again??!!..=S
I would like to post the song..but guess I'll wait..for the "dude" ..
good nite all!!

yes.. good BM. But i jus hv to point out..its RUSA MASUK KAMPUNG..not kandang...