A simple four letter word..
Yet its hard to grasp the mystery of it..
Hard to define the true meaning it carries..
Could hurt..
Be the word to describe this mystery??
Or perhaps..an illusion..
Of what could have become..
If we made the other choice..
Maybe it's just a dream..
That you can't wait to wake up from..
If that's life..
Whats the purpose of living then??..
Whats the point of putting your all in it..
And watch it disappear..
After a while??
Why does everything fall apart..
The moment we take hold of hope??
There has to be something more to life..
Something like salt..
Though the amount is small..
But makes a huge difference in the taste..
Something real..
As real..as the sun in the morning...
And the starts at night..
Something more..
Like you might have everything in your hands..
But still there's something missing..
What is that missing part??
What is the "salt" that would change everything in a glimpse??
And the real thing..
What could that be..??
Jesus..could it be Him??..
Let's see
Through the raging waters..
Through the piercing words..
Through the burning fire..
Why..even death..
Could't stop HIM..
From being with you..
The salt.. that turned the mourning to dancing..
Tears to smiles.. sadness to joy..
The missing part.. that satisfy the yearning soul..
Like a piece of puzzle to complete the picture..
The real One.. who never left you..
Though you rejected HIM..
The One.. who would'nt think twice
To suffer and die for you again..
Even if your the only one in this earth..
Could it be HIM??
The missing piece..??
Find out for yourself..=)
hehe..I wanted to post something intelligent.. but ended up..coming with this.. You know.. I cant help wondering but this thought came to my mind.. maybe the answers you search..are not out there.. its in you.. within you.. in front of you!!..
No idea..why I said that.. but it just popped out.. might not make sense.. perhaps it means.. make the best of everything..and everyone around you!!.. you might not get another chance!!..=)
have a nice day..=)
p/s ...the beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are..but how happy other can be..because of you!!..Carry Jesus with you..and share Him with others.. maybe you'll know the meaning of life then..

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