At least someone was excited to greet me back playing "hide and seek" through the curtain..hehe.. I'm talking about my 5 year old cousin!!.. while my sis.. didn't even glance!..hmm typical.. why am I complaining?? I'd probably would have done the same..=p it's a good thing she doesn't read my blog though..
So anyway..we had lunch.. watched TARZAN..*lost count of how many times I've watched it..* lol.. But I still never get bored of it.. TARZAN, MULAN, LION KING..hehe.. I know I know.. its just that I'm pretty impressed and how smart the director come up with such cartoons that promotes.."LOVE" ..=)
After Tarzan..had my usual nap.. and then got up to ACTUALLY start on BINOMIAL AND NORMAL DISTRIBUTION tutorial.. and my sis said.."Juan, come do SAND ART!!" ...and I looked at my cousin..who always gets away..with her smile.. and I was like.. "I guess maths can wait.." lol.. since it always WAITED..sigh..
I always wanted to do sand art.. Usually you'll see it an event or at the mass.. Of age doesnt allow to cross that line..hehe It seemed interesting.. how the "powder" spreads and form a PICTURE!!'s know.. letting the chips fall where they belong.. like..fixing pieces of JIGSAW PUZZLE.. and feeling the joy of looking at the completed ..
But you shold know "well" i get along with "ARTS" ..hehe
So..I screwed half of the picture!! I had expected la.. I never EXCELLED in arts.. Somewhere always went wrong when I hold the brush....err cause my colors got mixed up.. and I got so that's why mine turned out like.."eeehhhww-ish" ..hehe..
But the little one.. really made me think.."ARE SURE YOUR 19??!!" lol
Here's to the memorable spoilt art of mine..and the 5 years...
The sands..with glue..*dont mind the spoilt art there k..=p*

The five year old and her tree...weeee!!..its purple.. creative or not??..*she has my genes..*

Getting started on the 2nd art has something to do with "love and star" ..hehe..

Check out the color combination!!..hehehe..

The partially finish work.. come one wei!!.. you got to give her credit!!.. the girl's a miracle!!

Owwhh.. the 21 years wanted to show off as well!! hehe.. suddenly this ppl all filled with "L-0-V-E"

Check out who came in the pic!!.."Da vinci" in the FEMALE form!!..hehehe.. unfortunately it wasnt her day at all!!..

Awwwhhh...the little on her "HARLEY DAVIDSON" ..with her drawings!!

The little one..with the so-called adults drawing!!..heheh


I wanted to pose in as well..=p
Like a ballerina rite??..heheh

And so the game begins..

Caught in action...


Amazing huh?? more the plain color

The girl herself.. with her orange glasses.. ok this is a bad pose.. =p

The five year old and her tree...weeee!!..its purple.. creative or not??..*she has my genes..*

Getting started on the 2nd art has something to do with "love and star" ..hehe..

Check out the color combination!!..hehehe..

The partially finish work.. come one wei!!.. you got to give her credit!!.. the girl's a miracle!!

Owwhh.. the 21 years wanted to show off as well!! hehe.. suddenly this ppl all filled with "L-0-V-E"

Check out who came in the pic!!.."Da vinci" in the FEMALE form!!..hehehe.. unfortunately it wasnt her day at all!!..

Awwwhhh...the little on her "HARLEY DAVIDSON" ..with her drawings!!

The little one..with the so-called adults drawing!!..heheh

After art..the little one wanted to play bicycle "outside"..instead of the porch..

I wanted to pose in as well..=p
After was a fabulous time for BADMINTON!! ..wait.. it was kinda windy.. but "close one eye" ..hehe..

And so the game begins..

Caught in action...


Amazing huh?? more the plain color

The girl herself.. with her orange glasses.. ok this is a bad pose.. =p
Oh yeah... wanna see how technology spoilts and at the same time benefits a 5 year old??..hehe
AWWWWHHH...the smile.. told ya..she had my genes..=p

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