today I had it from my she was asking for a background music..for her slides.. the slides she's doin for saha..cause its their..5TH ANNIVERSARY together.. lol.. sometimes I wonder why dont they just get married..?? I mean.. my parents could have saved..all her education money for me.. They could have sent me overseas or something.. probably could have found someone nice there..and settled!! forgive me.. i have wild imaginations.. i suggested the song "bella's lullaby: rivers flow in me" ..from twlight..hehe.. and she scowled me... "JUAN!!!...VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES DO NOT EXIST IN THe REAL WOLD!!" ..they're all myth!!..not real!!..just stories!!" ...i mean..i know it all along.. but hearing her say it.. makes more sense.. and I told her.."its easier for you to've never been through a break up.." i know..that's not an excuse though...I should come out and face the real world I havent said that before..and I added.." asked me..for my opinion..either you take it or leave it!!..leave the critics to yourself.." hehe...
The papers tomorrow..and here she sits blogging..and
btw.. I got my eye checked!!.. and turns out I have an ALLERGY!!... and the doctor took 100 BUCKS wei!!! ..sigh..if only i was more careful.. could have saved my moms money... could have gotten that dress!!
anyway..i was just passing through..nothing much..just some grown tired of maths.. which I barely touched..ok..i did a
gtg!!..nitez..god bless

hahaha!! juan juan.. ur so silly sumtimes.. hey u kno where to read twilight novels online??