Anyway when I took out the paper.. you know.. as a rough paper for the onion and garlic skin.. it read like this.."VIOLENT MEN" ..or something like that..well it certainly caught my attention..
I remember once watching OPRAH.. she interviewed this girl.. who was abused by her husband for 7 years.. and they've known each other for like 10 years!!... and it really got me thinking..
I mean..lets say I 've known this guy for a long time...and I'm marrying him..and he turns out to be a BEAST!! ..How can that happen..?? I've like known him forever..and I'm sure he's the one..
But..he unexpectedly only reveals the REAL HIM only after the marriage.. he shows his true colors and takes out his mask ONLY then!!.. how can this be the girl..
Its like you're eating in a 'mamak'..the food smells and tastes delicious.. but who knows.. whether is it clean or dirty??.. you'll never know..until you get a stomach ache..or end up in the toilet 10 times a day!!...or even worst.. you might end up getting some heart disease because of the food you eat..!! the same with marriage.. you can't see what's invisible..but you'll only know the effect once your in it!! I hope im making sense here..hehe..
So it got me exactly do you know that the person you're really THEM..and not the person YOU think they are.. hmmm.. which brings out the main question.. how is it.. do you make a relationship last?? How is it can you enjoy your food..without worrying of the disease and the problems it might cause you..?? =)
hehe..dont more.."Men are from mars..and women are from venus.." but if you ask me.. which i think most of you all have have a lasting and satisfying relationship... how a person look, may not be the same as what lies inside.. and what lies inside is what matters the most...=)..
you might wanna be with a guy..because he is cute.. and vice versa.. or you might wanna be with someone..cause they're rich..or smart..or whatever..
But can't that make a relationship last??..lets go back to the food category..hehe.. How exactly do you eat healthy??.. ok let's say your eating outside.. firstly you have to choose a clean avoid food poisoning.. or if you wanna avoid any disease.. you check out how the food is cooked.. not too oily..not too salty.. some food for example.. a chocolate cake..looks very appetizing.. but you have got no idea how much of sugar and fat it carries..hehe.. and DANG!! ..your diagnosed with DIABETES.. there goes your life..
ok ok..enough of food lecture.. lets get real.. basically what im trying to say...WHAT LIES INSIDE THAT MATTERS THE MOST!!... so what if he's not good looking.. so what if the world thinks otherwise.. remember its YOUR LIFE your talking about!!..not theirs..
you go for someone who's nice.. hehe.. someone who respects, who humbles himself in the eyes of others.... who cares.. who loves.. those around him.. =) someone who is willing to put himself in other peoples shoe when they are in need.. cause when one is able to do that.. he can't stand you getting hurt.. he wont allow others to hurt you.. he feels what you feel.. and that is true love.. so i've been told..hehe
yes..looks maybe the first impression.. but it costs nothing..when it comes to the heart..hehe
before i end.. here's the chorus from the guy sebastian song..
If you can see..what I see..
Then your the answer to my prayers..
If you can feel the tenderness i feel..
You would know..It would be clear..
that angels brought me here..
Then your the answer to my prayers..
If you can feel the tenderness i feel..
You would know..It would be clear..
that angels brought me here..
If one sees the world..through your eyes and in your eyes.. he might just be the one..
hehe..have a nice day!

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