Anyway.. I had my first nightmare today.. Social Psychology..hehe.. yes..EXAM ON A SATURDAY!! of UTAR's NONSENSE!!..LOL..thank God I'm leaving UTAR!! ..hmm..
I got up this morning.. thought of attending the 7am mass.. and head straight to college.. my paper was only at 2.. but since I'm like sooooo used in taking the morning train rite??.. I was like why not.. will have plenty of time to study..hehe
But it didnt work out!! ..not cause I couldn't wake up!! but because..I was SNEEZING NON STOP!! seriously.. I could feel my heart shrinking.. I think it almost had a heart attack.. no joke!! If i didnt stop..I would have probably vomited my heart out.. hehe.. eehhwww... anyway I dont think anyone would want it also la.. like I said..its DISTORTED!! know.. out of shape kinda thing.. hehe.. dont mind me.. I had too much sugar.. so yeah.. a bit aggressive today.. in my writting.. *crapping!!*
Anyway my record was like..6 times in a row..non-stop heheh..YUP I broke it!!..ohh sorry.. I'm talking about SNEEZING!! ..hehe.. this morning I sneezed like 7 times NON STOP!! .. lol.. yeah likes that something to be proud off.. sigh.. sorry.. I'm just a bit messed's bothering me!!.. so have to crap non-stop as well.. to get rid of it!!
Its just that..sigh.. I DO NOT WANT TO GO!!! NOOOOOOO!! ...
Lord, please.. can I not go??..
Can I not??..sigh..pleaseeeeee
Why me?? WHY???..
What??!!! ..
What are you trying to put in my head that I'm not trying to get it??!!!
Pleaseee.. quit playing games with my heart..
You know.. I can't win..
You know very well!!
And yet..
Who can understand Your ways, dear Lord??
And still..while I sit down here..typing this post..
All I can imagine is You..
Sitting up there..above the clouds..
Smiling at my stupidity..and naive-ness..
Saying to me..
"Have little human of mine!! I died for you.. What else proof do you need... that its all BEEN TAKEN CARE OFF??!!" ..
and she smiles to herself..
and replies..
"I'm sorry, Lord.. I'm human.. sometimes I forget.. thanks for reminding though..=)"
Good nitez..
take care..
p/S Jesus loves you!!
and I love HIM too!!

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