about how I felt the moment I entered the college I'm suppose to continue my degree in..it felt sooo awkward.. like Std 1 all over again.. i got anxious about not fitting in.. that their gonna think I'm anti-social, weird..and bla bla bla.. you've heard me many times.. so yeah.. I'm not gonna expect anything.. just put on a smile..and wish..it wont be that bad!!.. =)
Anyway I also wanted to blog about how the church decoration went..lol.. had lots fun.. doing the curtains..like about 20 times..before getting them rite..hehe..together with chris, pam, vivian, mel, ann and aunty pat..hehe..trust me..it was way too complicated than you can imagine..lol.. if at all you get the chance and happen to go to HFC.. look at the curtains..and SMILE K!!.. no complaints!!..hehe.. though i agree it should be ironed..hehe..but still..*NO COMPLAINTS!!*.. we susah-payah made it k..=p
felt the Christmas spirit..then.. hehe..while decorating..wished I can celebrate Christmas..here.. with all of them.. singing the carols.. laughing like nobody's business.. hugging everyone we meet.. checking out each others dresses..and of cause.. the guys..who used to dress up like 'apek' during ordinary time.. will come in shirts and ties..=p..not forgetting the most important part..celebrating Christmas with the ones you love..and in return..show them your love..and receive more than you can ever imagine... after all..Christmas is a time to love..=) I cant believe I'm gonna miss all of this...again!!..haizz...
And after that..played CASH FLOW.. and beat my sis and saha..to the ends of the world.. hehe.. *dont know where i got that line form..* hehe..and then attended my baby's birthday..gosh.. he looked absolutely breathtaking..in that jump suit.. its like..i fell in love ALL OVER AGAIN.. when our eyes met..and that sweet smell of his skin..hmmm..YUMMY!!..lol.. chill chill..im talking bout JOSEA, my 1 year old neighbour's bday.. sigh..if only he was born 18 years before.. trust me.. I would have gone through heaven and earth..and made him mine!!..*cehh wahh.. cakap besar je!!* ..=p
and after tat..had a really huge argument with my mom.. i was kinda expecting it la.. just didnt know..it would be 5 days before christmas.. sigh.. so yeah.. this year Christmas.. is soo not meant for me.. but I'm gonna have fun after all.. who knows it might be my last..lol.. well hello.. maybe i get chance..to get out of the country next year..for Christmas...lol.. like thats gona happen..but hey I can still wish!!..
and one more thing..i smartly left my phone..in my sister's kancil..which is with saha...he's gonna take it for painting!!..=( ..so yeah..am phoneless now!!.. and i doubt mom wanna go to his house and take it.. argh..a week without my phone..and the endless msges,..during Christmas!!.. like i said..this year..aint meant for me..=(
I really hope things will get better tomorow.. and as usual..I have a feeling it wont..sigh
anyway.. my blog will be dead..for about a week.. so yeah..dont miss me..though I know its hard not to.. I know I'll be missing my blog like its my life!!.. sigh.. it is part of me.. ok i should stop crapping..before someone thinks i'm pretty messed up AGAIN!!..lol..
A merry Christmas.. to everyone who happen to read this!!.. May the birth Christ..make a difference in your life.. and that you may carry his light and warmth.. to everyone you meet!! I hope to do same too..
Have a blessed Christmas!!..=)
*hugs and kisses*
take care..and god bless..

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