For like the 100th million time.. the name is pronounced as in JU-ANNE!! and I'm so through with correcting people on how to pronounce my whenever aunty Dolly calls me JUAN in Spanish in front of everyone AGAIN.. I'll just smile and say.."yes aunty".. and did I tell you before my semester ended my lecturer.. I was arguing with me on HOW to pronounce MY NAME!! ..hhehehe.. I don't blame him name is weird.. hmm..
Anyway I'm having that weird feeling again.. and please allow me to be a child just this once.. because I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO COLLEGE!!..sobs..sobs!!.. NOOO!! I DONT WANT!!..I DONT WANT!!..*sobs even lauder!!* ..really.. HELP ME!!..ANYONE??..
sigh..Now that I've back being 20.. why does the holidays have to come to an end sooo fast??..I barely remembered what happen in the last four days.. it was like a dream.. too fast.. and I think I just woke up.. sigh.. and reality can be the worst nightmare sometimes..=(
Its another boring 14 weeks.. assignments.. presentations.. exams.. quizzes.. mid terms.. and KTM.. gosh.. did I just say KTM??!! ..great!!.. now its a bit interesting.. because they have separate coaches for GUYS and GIRLS!!... but why??!!..I mean who knows I might be meeting "THE ONE" in KTM itself.. can't say and now they just blew my chance!!.. grrr.. hehehehehe...
It's a circle you know.. the same old thing everyday.. every semester.. I need some spice..currently the status is TASTELESS!! ...maybe some pepper.. wait wait.. I hate pepper!!... hmm..chili powder should work..spicy and hot!!..but not too much though..i'll end up tearing then..hehe I'm done with sugar..considering the fact that I might be diabetic..hehehe..
Wow..I can really crap!..hehehe
Lord I know this is crazy.. but I'm sick of the same old road.. and trail.. I want a roller coaster!! .. you gave us rain..and sun..but what about putting them together??!!.. and we can see the rainbow!!.. I think rainbows are on the greatest creation ever..when the rain pours and the sun shinning at the same time.. its like two different world colliding.. like two different people..falling in love.. like salt and pepper..though they're different both inside and outside..but they work together like 2 peas in a pod!! ..hehehe..but you get me right.. dear Lord?? ..I want something different.. something more meaningful.. something to look forward too.. something where I can be myself.. something I've never came across..
Argh..I'm asking too much rite??.. still Lord, just incase if you decide to sent a tsunami or a tornado..can you please, please don't leave me alone.. I mean I know you wont.. but dont let me forget that k??!! ...and I put this new semester into thy hands.. AMEN!!..
phew..I feel so much better!!..
Good nite!!