hehehehe.. Yes my dearest bloggie.. you leave me speechless and when I'm not in your sight.. all I could think of is the things I want to blog about.. but indeed.. you never left me.. even in my worst..you stood by me.. for that you shall receive a genuine THANKSSSS!!..and a kiss..MUAXXXXXXXX!!..=D
Lol.. If I say I'm flying without wings.. you wouldn't believe me.. If I say I could lie down in the middle of the road and still smile.. you would probably be on the phone calling the psychiatrist... and If I say my blog is my greatest friend ever existed.. you will think I'm lame or weird.. but hey guess what??..I don't really care..=)
Had a great night last nite!!..=D
Firstly, I admit..I've been non-stop eating and eating and eating again..since like..I don know..maybe forever..hehehe.. and still the same.. nothing changed..=) ..and weirdly, in the past few days..4 of them told me "You lost weight huh??!!".. I was like.."NOOO..in fact I've been eating more than I should lately" ..well I was..I mean imagine me eating OLD TOWN'S NASI LEMAK SPECIAL.. almost everyday for lunch..heheh..i know i know!!!..but you get my point rite??..there's no way I could have lost weight..NO WAY!! worse still..they said my cheeks are no more chubbier!!..aaarrgghh.. well, the truth is..i like chubby cheeks.. my sis used to sing this nursery rhyme..obviously not to me..but something she learned in kindergarten..which she taught my dad..and he'll sing it to me...hehehe..=)
"chubby cheeks!!
rosy lips!!
dimple chin!!
teeth within!!
curly hair!!..
very fair!!
eyes black..
lovely too..
mummy's pet..is that you??"
and I'll go like.."yess yess yess!!" ..hehehe..lol.. well I was 6!!..what you expect.. anyway since I can't possibly lose weight..so I came up with the conclusion that I can be a diabetic patient..sigh.. I told my mom..and she asked me to go and make orange juice!!..lol.. dont ask..the weirdness runs in the family..
Anyway..I stayed over in my best friend Crystal's home last night..heehehe..it was pure fun!!.. we'll we played badminton first with joe, shashi stal, geetha and me.. I shall leave whatever happen in badminton to myself..=)
..then after dinner.. we bought some other junks..thinking we'll be hungry again.. well, my eyes fell on the blueberry cheese tart!!..weeeeeeeeeeeee!!..hehehe..its beeen ages since i last bought that!! ...and a kit kat ..aahh..how can you not live without chocolates??.. and also..my favorite chocolate filled tiger biscuits.. and do tell me..HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I AFFORD TO LOOSE WEIGHT?!!..ish..hehehe..
So we snacked while watching THE BLIND SIDE and WHIP IT!! ..it was a movie marathon la.. shashi stayed over as well..and gustine, crystal's elder brother was there too.. they were buzy playing PS2 ..which i dont get it again.. guys and cars.. guys and football.. guys and ps2.. guys and computer.. ishh.. guys can be totally lifeless huh??..;p ;p ..
movie ended about 4 something.. and we headed to our bed..and started talking.. and talking.. it never stopped!!..so much of stories..so must of catching up..hehhee.. i think we slept bout 6!..no joke!!..hehehe..
we got up at about 1..the next morning.. we had lots of plan.. suppose to go karaoke-ing ..or bowling.. but instead we sat home and watched WIPE OUT!! ..lol.. we were laughing through out la..hehehe..
They sent me back at the evening.. and the rest of the day was well..pretty erm..interesting..
but i shall leave it to myself..again..
you have a great nite!...

Last night I exercised for the first time since Friday (give me a good slap on the wrist...) and I’m so glad I did. I really hate whenever I get out of my routine (being sick for 2 weeks hit me hard). I always feel so much better after exercising and I know that in my head, but there are times when I would rather revert back to the old me where I would feed my face with junk and sit on my duff doing nothing. I don’t like that feeling at all. I don’t like not exercising. I don’t like eating unhealthy foods. My body doesn’t like it anymore and I can feel a drastic difference in how I feel both physically and mentally whenever I slip up. I need to get back on track.I think that I’m just ultimately really lazy because even though I’ll think about how much better I’ll feel, I’ll still be lazy and not want to. I guess it’s not really about wanting to exercise than just doing it. If I don’t exercise, I regret it. So I guess I have to decide if I’d rather be lazy and regret it or if I want to suck it up and feel good.