Before you continue reading this post, I have to warn that it might offend the opposite sex or even the same sex..but whatever it's only from my point of has nothing to do with any other homo sapiens either alive or dead!! =)
hehehe.. So this afternoon I was watching 'THE PROPOSAL' ...yeah I know..age old movie.. unfortunately I only had the chance to see it now.. so anyway.. this question came up to my mind.. "is it ok, for a girl to propose a guy??" hmm....Of cause it is.. I mean come on..its the 21st century.. if they can make babies in test tubes..y cant a girl make the first move??!! ..hehehehe..
But then in my case the "but" really have to butt in all time! me old fashioned..but why cant it just be the way it's suppose to be??.. traditional.. unique.. I mean its a norm!!..there's a reason why they call 'norm' ...hehe..or can it be because they're too shy??..hmmm.. what you still dont agree with me??..fine!! ask for here it goes..
Why guys shouldn't be shy to make make the first move:
- The obvious one.. A king comes before a queen.. One has all the the nerve to rule a country..but none to ask a girl?? ..
- Yes.."ladies first then comes the gentlemen.." You can say.."they always want it why cant they make the first move??"..well firstly, we're grateful for that, you guys are such a sweetheart for giving us that privilege...but in case you're wondering..its the men who says "ladies first"..we dont go to another lady and say.."ladies first??!!"..neither can we go to a men and say.."ladies first!!" ..right??..that'll be so weird..hehe you get my point rite??!!..there are some questions that are really custom made for guys..and so inappropriate for girls!!
- Thirdly..have you ever realized..thats its so damm cool for a guy to have 10 GF's..but they start throwing dirty words at a she had 10 BF'S??!!..that is sooo bias..sexist!!.. and if a girl gets rejected, she would be torn emotionally and mentally.. and maybe imagine what the society will think of i was exaggerating that..but again my point.. its so much easier for a guy to handle a rejection!!
- Fourthly, ok..I'm running out of ideas.. oh yeah..a girl cant go down on her knees..its very hard for her to get back up on her skirts and heels..hehehe..there's a reason why only LADIES are allowed to wear skirts and so what??..she can just stand and ask rite??..hehehe..maybe..but a girl is always a girl..her head is always down when she's shy.. how is she gonna ask then??..ok GUTS!!
But I still like the traditionally matter how the world changes..=)

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