I shouldn't ask if you missed me or not.. Cause I know its hard not to..:p :p..hehehehe...been awhile huh??..well, I was having exams..but that wasn't the main reason why I didn't blog.. and not that I didn't have anything to blog about..hehe..and hello!!..your talking to someone who used to blog up to 4 post a day!!.. so yeah..=).. well I just..hmm..I refuse to blog due to some unavoidable circumstances.. which I rather not mention it here..
So here's what happen..when I'm not here blogging..=)
- Exams..hmm..lets just keep it aside and not make both our lives miserable k??..;p
- UCSI's cafeteria food is not that bad..really.. hehe.. sadly we smartly tried it when the semester is coming to an end..hehehe
- SAMANTHA DAVID is officially my duet partner!!..weeee!!.. hehe.. and both me and sam would like to humbly apologize to sudha, pinky and kabi for literally torchuring them with our "sweet"..voices!!
- Saha's red sexy scooter is officially my one and only HARLEY DAVIDSON..=) wouldn't trade it for any other..hehehe
- GURPREEt KAUR@PINKY is in a relationship!!!..weeeeee!!..hehehehe
- KABI who suddenly had crushes on 'SUNFLOWER', 'LILIES' & 'CACTUS'.. said this.."Juan, I think you should be born as a guy!!" ...and I totally agree with him..;p
- Hurt my neck totally ..in time square..after our first ride..hehe.. well time square is nothing compared to SUNWAY LAGOON or GENTING's..but of cause the fun was there..hehe
- And I want my own bumper car!!..=( ..Sometimes I wished we had bumper cars..instead or real cars..lol.. I mean..its small, so less jam.. it has low gravity, surely its faster.. like all those F1 cars..and its totally fun!!!..hehehe...really..I think its one of the best game where I laughed till I couldn't laugh anymore!!..=D
- Lastly.."Pehli Nazar Mein" ...go listen to it..with the translation..=)
"Don't be afraid to speak up for what is right..even if it causes your life.. because the Lord your God is also on your side.."
Have a nice day..=)

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