Ahem ahem...=) hehehehe.. sorry..I'm just feeling so SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!! hehehe...I have no idea what it means.. but thats exactly how I feel.. hehe..NO IDEA!!..=)
Anyway last year..I remember doing this every time the semester ends..hehe.. hence I shall remain that tradition.. So here's what I experienced through out the whole sem..
- CULTURAL SHOCK from UCSI!!..=) ...I could have just dropped dead any moment..and I aint joking..neither am I exagerating..hehehe
- The awesome-est people in the whole of UCSI!! ..PINKY, SAM, SUDHA, NISHA and KABABI!! ..*he just can't resist us..hence he doesnt mind being the thorn among the roses..*..hehehe..=p
- The joy and torture of riding Saha's bike!!...
- The never-ending stories about how useless KTM is!!...grrr..
- Survived my first-nigerian attack..hehe..*dont askk..long story..*
- Went for futsal competition..and yeah..would love to do it again!!..hehehe..*hawtt guys!!* =p..hehehe
- I think this is the one sem where I really burnt fats the most.. futsal, badminton, captain ball.. wow!!.. and I shall keep this going..=)
- HFC youth committee rocks!!..hehe..no not cause I'm in it.. but they really do rock!!..and we're gonna keep on rocking for JESUS!!..
- Created my first ever game board with PINKYY!! ~DUCKY ON THE ROAD!!~
- CUP CAKES MANIA with the girls!! ..woohooo.. the taste still lingers on my mind.. CHOCOLATE!!
- Never ending foods..*MCD, Pizza, SECRET RECIPEEEE!!, OLD TOWN, Richies, Jai Hind..and BEEP!!..yikesssss...beeeepp!!..lol..trust me..My sister's cooking is way..waaaayy better than BEEP'S!!..hehehe
- Fireproof..the best movie in this sem!!
- Actually getting bored with camera's..but nevertheless..1500+ pics this sem alone..hehehehe...
- Vinnaithandi Varuvayaa..woohooo!!..I finally got it pronounced correctly!! ..the movie was ok-ok only..but it's the first movie I went out with the girls..and kabi of cause..and HOSANNNAAAA!!..amen!!
- I ruined the lappy with my virus..ok its not my virus..I only spread LOVE not virus..lol..but yeah..it's cause of me!!..*sobs..sobs*
- The one sem where I hmmm..emo-ed a little bit lesser..=)
- And maybe..just maybe.. heheheheehhe..JUST MAYBE... I wont say what I'm about to say.. because you already know what is it..=) then again..Lord may Your will be done..not mine..AMEN!!
hehehe..good nite everybody!!

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