Friday, February 4, 2011

The besties! ..=)

"People are people, and sometimes we change our minds.."

Yes I have no idea what I am doing here blogging when I have like 101 assignments left hanging.. sighhh.. its just sometimes, you need a break from listening to recorded interviews and then wondering, "Gee, do I seriously sound like that on audio??" ...sighhh..and then your mind wanders like why can't my voice sound more sweeter and not so man-ly..and there the "emo" feeling comes and then you say to yourself, "Goodness Juan, You have like another 9 more interviews to write and your worried about your voice??" ..grrr fail la! ..heheh..ok ok i'll get to the point..and of cause writing down those interviews, cracking your head to get the prefect word, perfect sentences.. Re-reading it back, till you get the feeling, "that's the best I've given.." ...

So yes, I need a break..=)

I spent the night with Crystal and Jacynta last night. And I was having trouble sleeping as I wanted to talk more..and while I was trying to close my eyes..I realized, "Gee, I've been through every thick and thin with them already.." ...They saw me crying, they saw me laughing, they saw me make a fool of my self. We've done the craziest things.. said the craziest things..been the craziest human ever existed.. hmmm

Crystal will be the like a mother to us..reminding us to come back to earth and to stop it with "taylor swift" ..hehe..the real definition of bold and beautiful.. probably the one with the most guts too lol..but she thought me a lot about life.. and yes, I admire her for who she is and her faith in God, n..=) Jacynta on the other hand, laughs at everything we say.. like literally banging us and laughing.. and when you stare in her eyes.. its like a magnet, beautiful brown eyes.. its so pure like her and heart! =) And well she's probably the one who knows me well enough.. in and out.. She will know what's on my mind, and what I did, or what I'm going to do.. lol.. and yes, I learned a lot from her.. and well, she brought me closer to God..=)

And guess where we went today?? hehhe.. its the "S" word and it ends with "G" ..hehe  yes, I'm kinda like forbidden to even say the word "s**p***g" in my house.. lol.. My mom thinks we shop alot.. siiighhh..which is so.very.untrue k! ... I mean I have no idea, how come there's no more space in my wardrobe..but its like when you're searching for something to wear.. you find nothing! ..=(( yes, we dont shop that much.. hehe

So anyway, we walked and sat, yes like literally sat on the floor..sometimes shopping does that..=)  checked out a cute guy..unfortunately he passed by too quickly and cynta said "I was too short, to spot him!" ....grrrrr.. We ate of cause.. and talked again, laughed, talked more.. complaint about stomach cramps..err oh no, you dont wanna know..=)

And then we went back, knowing that these are the moments that can never be replaced.. not with gold, not with money..not with anyone else.. =)

Well, I have no idea what I did to deserve them..and I'm truly glad I did! ..

And before I leave..

It seems, when you want someone..they don't want you..
And when someone wants you, you don't want them..
And when you both want each other.. its just not meant to be..

Wait then, for the best and only..=)

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