But you're left behind..
You try to catch..
But you don't know where you're going..
well..that's how I feel..=( ...
it's the last week..in UTAR.. though I disliked the place..it left me memories.. Memories that I can't get elsewhere..
I remember the first I entered UTAR..on 12TH OF JANUARY 2009.. 2 days after I started blogging for the FIRST time..hehe.. Took the train.. I feared the eyes that starred at me.. as if I had 3 eyes with no mouth.. *really*..Cause..I'm not really the "socializing" type.. though MY UTAR buddies disagree with me.. seriously I'm not.. I'm the shy type of girl who thinks getting wet in the rain..or reading a novel whole day is SO MUCH BETTER than CLUBBING..=) ..lol didnt see that coming huh??..lol..i know..no life RITE??.. well unless I know you really really well.. that's a whole lotsa different story..!!
Any enough of boring stories...we go back to the last week in UTAR..
I wished it didn't end soo fast.. I wished I was there long enough to actually LEARN HOW TO SPEAK CHINESE.. though I did capture a bit..here and there.. I wished I had join them in GENTING trip..or the Singapore trip.. I wished that I still remained there..and didn't need to change UNI.. I know they partly hate me...for teasing them ALWAYS.. hehe..i can't help it.. that's how I bond.. to be precise.. that's my way of showing my LOVE.. clearly i NEVER meant anything I said..
So here's my LOVE note.. to all 7 of them..=)
For Mellissa Lina.. who helped me in my spirituality.. teaching me songs.. whenever I forgotten how to sing them..mostly HILLSONGS.. being a friend..just by being there.. someone to talk too..when the rest are SPEAKING Chinese!!..=p ..for the ASSIGNMENTS!!..never could have done it without her.. and for teaching me everything I didnt know..=)
For AH PEK!!..who looks like MS LOW!!..=p ..thanks for being my first ever friend..when I walked in UTAR.. for being the person..who visited my BLOG every now and then..and leaving comments.. for her car.. and for the lifts..she offered me.. and for teaching MATHS!!...a great help!!.. and also as an ASSIGNMENT buddy!!.. and not to forget.. for the times she borrowed her phone when I DESPERATELY needed to listen to songs..and for all the NASTY CANDID PICS she took!!.. thanks pek..will all ways love you..=D
FOR JOO JOO!!..=) my favorite girl..lol.. hehe..she and me..has this "CHEMISTRY" .. no joke!!..lol she's one HAWTT babe la.. all guys also after her!!..every SEM new HAIR STYLE!!.. she's a great planner.. she organizers all our trips.. and always remembered to include me and mel..in the trips.. unfortunately we failed to attend them..=( also a great assignment buddy.. and THANKS TO HER mom..for offering me lift once in a while too!!..=)
FOR NG CHENG YEE!!..hehehe..she's known as ASAKO..or ASOKA..well however you call it.. this girl...the first I met her.. she never even glance at me!!.. no joke wei.. perhaps i was A LITTLE BE TOO "DARk" in colur..lol..kidding kidding.. but she turned out to be the NAUGHTIEST GAL EVER!!.. she use to lock all of us OUTSIDE our tutorial class!!.. hehe.. yup.. UTAR's facilities is REALLY BAD!!..even broke a door.."kidding" ..A VERy HUGE THANKS TO HER!!..for RIDE she gave to MID VALLEY!! ..seriously thanks to her..that i manage to save 2 bucks every once in a while.. MUCHAS GRACIAS SENORITA!!..=)
for CHARLENE WONG WAN YI!! ..firstly..this girl is extremely GOOD in here drawing!!..no joke.. both she and CHENG YEE.. born to be GRAPHIC DESIGNERS..=) .. for her happy go lucky character that never failed to make anyone LAUGH!! ..for the UNO CARDS she brought during first and second sem.. always wanted to have her as an assignment member.. but guess it never worked out!!.. also for her car..and the ride she offered..WHICH also made me save 2 bucks!!..=)
for REBECCA TAN SIEW YENG!!.. this girl is one of a kind.. and I dislike her GUTS though.. hehe.. she's too brave and solid for her age..hehehe.. but seriously UTAR will be extremely bored WITHOUT HER!!.. and also thanks to her..taking in charge of the LAPTOP and PROJECTOR.. whenever I'm not there..=)
For GOH KAI PING.. hehe.. she's better known as FISHERMAN!!..lol.. seriously for once.. she's the kinda girl..who gets bullied by all!!..and not me!!..lol..NO JOKE!!..lol.. she gets teased..for her height..and the color of her skin.. it's a lil bit..umm..different..hehe..=p ..but she's a nice girl.. very helpful.. and she also dislikes me..whenever I tease her..=)
And to everyone else..like FAYE CHEAH, SEENU, LINUS..ESTHER..AZRIN..LANDY.. CASSIA.. all stream A students.. and stream C students.. my indian friends.. REINA, PUNES AND BHARATHI..!! ..sorry I cant list all of you!!..but you will always remain in my heart!!
Oh year..i realize I get a lof of lift from people huh??..lol..
anyway here are some UNFORGETFUL MEMORIES!!

The official 1st sem picture..where I was not IN!!..thanks to the bloody CHICKEN POX!! with MS low loi ming!!

The first arts exhibition which turned out to be a NO-NO.. not all of us was in here though!!..=(
The t-shirct nice ar??..hehe.."TB GANG" ..

The 2nd official arts exhibition!! ..everyone was in it!!..weeeee.. this was taken during our arts exhibition.. on 13TH OF APRIL 2009!! which was AWESOME!! with MS DANIEL..

The visit to ASTRO AWANI during 2nd sem!!..with Ms suvitha.=)

WITH the GIRLS!!..sigh..kai ping missing!!..=( ..sure she went fish in the sea..=p
ALL IN RED!!..during 2nd sem also..=)
hmm...so guess thats the end of FOUNDATION.. another chapter in my life.. which I'll forever treasure.. for each one of them..remains in my memory..~TILL DEATH DO US PART~..hehe..
but seriously..if at all..I've hurt any one of you guys.. in one way or another!!..I APOLOGIZE from the bottom of my heart.. I clearly didn't mean to.. =( ..i know i can be pretty annoying.. and blurr.. but THANKS to all you..for accepting me for who I am.. and not CHANGING me.. despite the COLOR i was born to be.. despite the different language that you all speak.. IT MEANS A LOOOTTT TO ME!!.. you all made a difference in my life..and I'm so grateful that I met you ppl!!.. wonder where I Would be without you!!..sorry ya.. minta maaf banyak -banyak.. jika ada salah-silap!!
but seriously..if at all..I've hurt any one of you guys.. in one way or another!!..I APOLOGIZE from the bottom of my heart.. I clearly didn't mean to.. =( ..i know i can be pretty annoying.. and blurr.. but THANKS to all you..for accepting me for who I am.. and not CHANGING me.. despite the COLOR i was born to be.. despite the different language that you all speak.. IT MEANS A LOOOTTT TO ME!!.. you all made a difference in my life..and I'm so grateful that I met you ppl!!.. wonder where I Would be without you!!..sorry ya.. minta maaf banyak -banyak.. jika ada salah-silap!!
but remember..TILL DEATH DO US PART!!
take care then..

i will write this oso~~
crying n flood my lappy~~~
awww.. im feeling u.. brings back memories when i finished foundation..