Hehehe.. chill chill..no such thing.. I'm in UCSI ICT.. surrounded by over 40+ students.. together with the annoying vibration of the printer and keyboard sounds..topped with little chit-chats..here and there..=)
Something interesting happen today.. I entered the so-called "ladies coach!!" in KTM ..hehe..which I didnt see the point of them seperating female and male..because I was surrounded by 3 really BUFFED guys!!.. and they're like twice my height k!!.. I felt like a mice in a paddy field..don't ask how or why..I just had that imagination..lol..so much for seperating the sexes la..
Ok that wasnt the interesting part..This is the insteresting part.. While I was strugling to put my self into one piece when we reach Serdang station, suddenly I heard someone say this.."PLEASE USE YOUR BLOODY COMMON SENSE!!" ..I was literally laughing out laud..but then forced to shut myself when I found out that I was the only one laughing.. which got me thinking.."where is your sense of humour people??!!" ..I mean come on!!.. I hate waking early in the morning..and getting squashed like a bug too..but sometimes entertainment like "bloody common sense!!" ..is badly needed to spice up the day!!..=)
and before that..we shall all thank Jon for deciding to come to UCSI..and also taking the public transport ..and hence finding me a friend to break the silence, for the next 3 years!!..weeeee!! hehehehe..and coincidently, jon was right next to the lady who was pissed off..according to him, these were her exact words.. "can you all get out of the effing train!! as it it we have minimal air here to breathe!!..please use your bloody common sense!!" ...I dropped my jaw when I heard that.. and then started laughing when another lady said this.."sometimes we need people like this.." ..lol.. and the next minute..they stopped pushing us inside!!.. and you know what is the worse part??..the poor pissed off lady was pregnant!!..sighhh.. my heart melted when I heard that.. I don't blame her..for her words.. I mean..if I myself, being the normal me was halfway nearing dead gasping for air in the overcrowded train..imagine how would she feel..with an additional weight in her stomach!!..
But I don't blame the passengers outside the train too.. I mean who knows what occasion they might have..proabably an interview for a new job..or scholarship.. and of cause work.. or a daymm 8am class in the morning..like me.. so yeah.. but I do agree..all of this would not have occured if..the train has not been cancelled...or delayed.. or if they had more coaches!!.. sigh..
Well anyway.. that was how I started my day with.. was on time though..for my 8am class!..=) next class at 2pm..meaning i have 4 hours break!!.. so hence the extra time and need to blog..
and guess what??..i started writing my own story.. hehe about 2 paragragh.. I stopped after that when I didnt know how my story line should be..as in should I let the girl die.. or live.. hmmm..lol.. i know i know.. that's the most important part.. but yeah..I'll work on it..
K..I crapped more than enough today.. I shall continue..when I feel like it..
Thanks for dropping by!!..have a nice day..=)

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