I mean my world collapsed.. ok..part of my world..
Firstly my sister banged a car again!!..yes AGAIN!!..cause just a few weeks back she hit a lorry!!
..but no worries..the angels must have held her high up..cause she didn't even break a nail!!..=D.... sigh..and so is my mom..hehe..my mom was in the car with her!!.. i could have guessed her reaction.."AIYOYO!!!" ..hehe and my sister decided to give my mom another special "treat" on mother's day..RM400 bucks..for that guy's car bumper..hmm
Secondly..my dearest dad got admitted.. and chill chill..nothing serious.. they wanted to observe his previous leg ulcer.. which was really bad last year.. but almost cured..and here's the best part.. I got to know the news first though I'm faraway from home..*its complicated*.. I called my mom..and she had another "AIYOYO!!" ..they rushed to HUKM then..I got pretty worried as well.. but yeah..Thank God, He took care of it.. relieving all our worries..
And here's the worst part.. sigh.. the ones who always filled my boring days with laughter.. are having a complicated conflict.. =( ..its not a nice sight.. and "welcome to the real world!!" only make matters worse ..lol.. actually I do not want to be welcomed!!.. I mean if the real world is full of hurt.. then why enter in there in the first place rite??..
hmm..because.. we're all humans.. and thats where we belong.. reality!! like it or not.. you have no choice.. but come to think of it.. it won't be that bad.. if you are able to see CHRIST in everyone you meet.. even the ones that hurt you..
and thats what i learned..for the weekend..
more to come..when I have the time..and energy!!..
take care!!..=)

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