Sighh.. Have you ever thought about life after death??.. Whats gonna happen when we are burried 6 feet..and how is it gonna happen??.. is there really such thing as hell..and heaven.. and purgatory?? I mean no one had really came back to life in person..looked into your eyes and told you.. "dying aint that bad.."
Unlike the thief..on Jesus right hand on the cross at calvary.. I wish I was him.. He already has a place in heaven..for Jesus told him "Today you will be with me in paradise" ..good for him though.. I mean a thief in heaven..He had wronged all his life..and now he enjoys.. amazing huh??
My uncle passed away yesterday.. and as I starred at the him..lying in the coffin.. so peaceful.. so calm.. I just thanked God for ending his pain and misery.. he really suffered much without both his legs.. One thing I know..he just cant wait to meet his heaven.. those were his words on the dead bed..hmmm classic love..=))
And then my sister said.."you know, I think the more people suffer on earth, the less they will suffer in purgatory.." I'm not sure how true it is.. but that gives like an advatange to suferring.. you cling on the word "hope".. you know something good is going to happen..after all the tears you poured.. after all the pain you endured.. why?? because of Jesus..=)
You know, I've never really lost someone really close to me.. I've no idea how it feels to know that when one leaves the earth..he or she is never gonna come back.. there is no chance to meet them again..and say the words you should have said.. or taken back the words you shouldn't have said.. I dont know what am I gonna do..if it happen..
But it is gonna happen.. sooner or later.. the question is.. can I accept it?? ..sigh.. I dont know ...=( that's why I'd rather be taken first.. than the rest..
Lol..which reminds me.. I told my mom once.. "One day if I die..then you'll know la.." and she replied me with the same thing.. "One day I'll die..then you'll know.." ..I said.."I'll die first.." ..Mom was like.."No, I'll die first.." ..I said, "you can't say..a car might just bang me tomorow" ..Lol..
I know..ridiculous rite??.. to have this kinda talk with your mom??.. hehehehe.. but yeah.. I don't know what I'll do..if I loose any one them.. No matter how strong you intend to be.. there is surely one point of your life.. where you cant take it anymore.. where its too much to handle.. and you'll fall.. haizz.. well I just hope I fall gracefully... and stand back nothing ever happen..
Lol.. I'm just crapping..
have a nice day!!

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