Anyway.. I got up this morning.. knowing I had to blog about this.. before the image goes
I had the weirdest dream last nite.. I read somewhere.. where the reason why you dream of that event or that person is because you CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM!!.. and hence they eventually appear in your dream..but I tell you that I am now your living prove that whoever came up with that theory.. is pure BULLSHIT!! hehehe.... seriously!!... for the past few days.. I've watched like about 15 episodes of criminal minds.. and this series is filled with BLOOD!! ...disgusting gory stuffs!!... you see my connection rite??.. unless you're telling me that my marriage is going to turn into something ugly.. well thank you very much.. I'd like to decide that for my self..=)
I kinda forgot how my dream started.. but I remember the wedding part clearly though..hehe..
So there I was outside the church.. dressed in.. sigh.. you really wanna know what I was wearing?? ...I mean I know I look good in all costumes..;p ;p..but this was tooo much already!! was wearing a PUNJABI COSTUME!! ..a white one of cause.. I mean I dont mind a saree.. a wedding gown is the best though.. but a punjabi costume??!! .. and with NO VEIL!!! ..can you believe it??.. what's a bride without her VEIL??!! I came up with my own theory.. whereby the veil is actually like a barrier between the groom and the bride.. and the moment the groom unveils the bride.. there is nothing separating them anymore!! like 2 become 1!! tell me??... how can a bride be a bride without the veil??..sigh.. and my shoes!!.. you know what I was a wearing?? ...this flat shoes with a bow in front..hehe..and my hair was braided on one side.. and curled and the bottom.. hahaha..I forgot how I looked either.. but quite
And so I walked down the aisle..with another bouquet of flowers..and only one flower girl!! but here's the best part.. the groom wasnt there yet!!! .... I waited then.. waited and waited.. half an hour passed.. still no sign.. I started tearing then.. my sis was so sweet..for once in her lifetime... she started and finally he arrived... I asked my sis.."how do I look like??" ...she smiled and said.."like Juan"
And this is how my imaginary husband-to-be looked like.. he was in white..white coat with a bow..he was tall.. very very tall.. as tall as kabi!!... have you ever seen how tall is this dude??..I got no words.. go and meet him for yourself.. hehe.. and he was fair.. I think he is a malayalee.. hehehe.. and he had this black hair straight hair..with a sharp nose.. I couldn't remember his eyes though..haiz..
Then rite..something beautiful happen.. he pulled me..looked into my eyes.. and said these words.. "I will love you till my last breath!!!" ... and he kissed my forehead!!..awwwwhhh!! well I think that's the most sweetest thing any guy could have done k!...hehe and I could have just died la..if it happen in reality.. lol.. well at least it is happening in my dreams ...hmmm
Then...I saw my parents..I cried like mad when I saw my mom..she was in punjabi costume as well.. and my i got no words.. he was in his JAPANESE SLIPPER!! ..and the age old red t-shirt with collar!!..grrrrr!! ..hehehehhe..
My friend was getting married in the chapel next to the church.. I went to wish her.. then when I came back.. I couldn't find my groom anymore.. and I begin to recognize the church.. IT WAS ST JOHN'S!!! ....
I was soooo terrified.. hence that's why I got up I no... wait.. I got up because he left!!..=(((( ... but seriously.. St John's is a beautiful.. but but.. you know.. being a music lover.. you do want the best for your wedding rite??.. with the best choir.. I mean offence to st john's parishioners.. but..well I just cant stand their choir..=((
Sigh.. so yeah..that's it about my 'dream' wedding.. which is not even 0.5% percent oh how i want it to be...hehe.. but the groom..hmm..he aint that bad..but nahhh.. he made me wait!!.. thats the most "UNGENTLEMEN" attitude any guy could have done.. I mean its ok to make the guy wait.. but never ever make a girl wait... it's..erm.. it's well.. not right.. unless if its an emergency of accident.. hehe..
ok...I better stop crapping.. I shall leave now..
have a nice day people!!

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