I am freezing.. an hour in train without my sweater.. another hour and the half in class..and the air-cond was blowing my mind off!!.. when it's hot..I wish Malaysia was snowing!!.. when its cold..I freeze like nobody's business..sigh.. why can't the weather be JUST NICE??!!..hmm
It's the 4 hour break again..I have absolutely no idea..on what to do..or blog about..
Hmm maybe I should tell you about my trip to little sisters of the poor..
We were late..as usual.. Typical Malaysian Indian Timing..;p ;p.. But we were greeted with much happiness.. I could see the joy in Sis Agnes's face.. She was in charge if us.. and Eliza.. She took us a tour around the home..where I felt like I was in a another country.. In a more developed, anvanced..much much peaceful place..
I was impressed!!.. They had everything there.. kajang..was like a "kampung" ..compared to this place.. You can get everything you want.. even the latest technology.. the dining room was awesome.. the kitchen.. the rooms.. a library.. a saloon.. a craft's room.. a physio room.. a dentist.. their own souvenier shop.. oh my.. I got no more words.. basically yeah.. you have to see it to believe it..=)
For dinner, we feasted like pigs..hehe.. Cause it so happen that on that day SFX church had their Praise and Worship there.. they had potluck which explains the variety in food..=)
After that the sisters had their chit-chat session.. and I tell you.. they can joke!!!.. I was laughing so laud.. that I had to keep on reminding myself to be civilized!!.. hehe.. and the weirdest thing happen..
Just for your information.. I have a barrier erm..kind of 'fear' for animals.. I don't know why..I just can't get along with them.. I am talking about ALL ANIMALS.. even my sisters hamster.. I didnt dare hold it.. hehe.. I was afraid I would squash it or something.. I mean why let the poor guy suffer cause of me rite??...hehe
So yeah..the sisters had 3 guard dogs.. 2 of which is only let out at night as they are extremely fierce..while another is always around.. Not that its not fierce.. its just more friendly.. and this dog was white in colour, so the sisters called it SNOWY!!..hehe
The moment I saw it..I whispered to Alma..."AL!! there's dog!!..what to do??!!"
Alma stayed calm.. while I tried to.. inside I was like a rollercoaster.. praying silently.."Lord, Help me!!" ..So I took my seat next to one the sister.. well snowy was smart.. very very smart.. when the sister said.."snowy go and say hello to our guests" ..and it came to each of us..and smelled!! and its a "her" btw..=D
That's the part where I hate the most.. the smelling part.. and as I looked at her.. I dont know what made me pull out my hand and pat it.. I kinda enjoy it..and guess what happen after that??!!!.. I swear I had a heart attack..when it jumped on me..and took her seat next to me!!.. I couldn't believe it..that it took me a second to put myself together..It took out her paw..indicating me to shake it!!..OMG!! ..it was a miracle!! I know it was.. And I started combing her hair..with my fingers.. she loved it!..I loved it even more!!
ALMA's eye balls were pratically coming out..You should have seen the look on her face!! should have seen the look on my face!! and she was telling the sisters how afraid I am to animals.. and one of the sister suggested to snap a pic of me!!.. and Alma did..!!..hehehe.. so here I am Juan Margrita sitting next to a dog.. weeee!! I shall never forget this accomplisment!!..heheehe
After that we watched a movie called BERNADETTE!! ..it was very very inspiring.. then the 3 of us had a late night chat.. and off to bed!!..
The next day.. was like wow.. wait wait.. did I mention that the sisters could sing??? like really really sing?? It was exactly like SISTER ACT!! ..the movie.. they all can sing.. and it was beautiful!!.. I almost had goosebumps k!.. mass was great.. we were given the chance to do the reading and intercession..
But here's the most important part.. the part where we spent time with the resident there.. yes the old people.. It's exactly like a nurses job!! ..Memories seeped in again.. about my own nursing experience a year 2 years back in Sunway... hmm..how can I explain this.. I felt something.. I was touched,very touched by how much of love these sisters had for the old people.. patience is virtue they say... indeed it is.. I fed an old, blind uncle without a hand.. I took him for walk after that.. I even sang him a song while taking him for the walk..for he cant speak.. I wanted to know what was going through his mind.. how was he feeling..hmm
There was also this grumpy aunty.. where she has nine children.. but none of them dared to take care of her!! hence she's depressed.. and fuzzy.. I met another friendly aunty.. who couldn't stop talking about politics.. and wow.. she remebers every single thing about Malaysian history!!
Then I heard about the sister's vocation story.. they said.."you will have the feeling like.."this is what I'm suppose to do"..then they told about their experiences and such..I asked then.."how do you tolerate the grumpy ones" ..they said.."things are alot easier when you see CHRIST in them" ..another sister quoted the bible.. "whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"
Amazing huh??.. when you care for others.. you care for Jesus!!.. when you hurt others.. you hurt Jesus too!!..
Overall, I had a great experience.. and yes I will be going back there again!! ..not only to meet SNOWY.. but because its there where I find peace..and joy.. to be with those who desires Christ love .. with those who are hungry for a companion.. with those where I know its worth it..=)
If you ask me now.. what is my vocation.. i can't answer you.. as I was told.. to go and experience life first.. but right now.. its best that I lay everything at the feet of the cross.. and see what else
is in store for me.. May His will be done.. not mine..

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