I'm dead bored.. and if you are too.. You can read this post till the end.. or else I suggest you not to waste your precious time..=)
So anyway have you ever noticed the syles of certain people when they chat.. Hmm.. lets analyze..
Firstly, there are some who opens a conversation and says "hey wassup.." ...and then you reply.. and thats it! ..they dissappear.. lol.. weird people.. why start a conversation when all you say is HEY??..
There's the ones who says Hi, and continues with it.. who gives one word answer.. who expects you to make a conversation.. I mean, that's alright..since I always have something to talk about.. but, I can't if all you say is YES or NO or I DON'T KNOW.. siggh.. thats really sad..
And there's the cheeky one.. who starts calling you "dear", "baby" ...err "darling" .."chellam" ..heheheh.. I mean come on!..I barely know your age.. and your not even using your real name..we just chatted for 10 minutes!.. seriously, do I look that easy?? ..I mean I'm not playing hard-to-get.. but you got to have something else, besides sweet talking!
Moving on, there's this one.. who starts a conversation and got you all interested.. and you're thinking.. wow, this person is something.. but of cause they have to spoil it by asking, "what is your bra size" ...sighhh.. perverts!! ...
And then the ones who remained interesting and seemed to like talking to you.. that particular moment seems like magic.. but then they stop!.. I mean no more replies.. either they cant find anything else to talk about which is likely impossible!..or it could because they found something or someone else whos more interesting.. typical.. they need you only when they have nothing better to do..
And they there's the speacial ones.. where you can go on crapping and crapping and never once got bored of you.. they nudge you when you dont reply.. they make you laugh like crazy.. and these are the rare ones.. If you ever find them.. don't ever let go!..=)
And so I told you, this post is completely useless.. hmm not completely though.. at least you can find out where your chatter's fit it..hehehe.. I know, I'm impressed with myself as well!..;p ;p
Adios amigas..!

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