I still haven't recovered from the excitement of my "ahem" crush..speaking to me.. hehe.. oh yeshh he did!!..He did!!..lol.. And yeap, it was magical.. Deep voice..wonder if he could sing..lol.. ok too much of details.. but yeah I feel 15 all over again!.. *swaps her wings and flys away* ..hehehe..
And then while you were buzy building your castle in the air.. there comes a message from your very close friend..saying she has just undergone 2 operations to remove a growth and a lymph node.. and goodness, while I was buzy blogging and thinking about my crush.. my friend was admitted, in pain, needing all the prayers she can get... sighh.. way to go Juan!!..
And then, you receive another message from another close friend.. which might have caused your frienship and trust to be in jeopardy!! ...and perhaps you were the one to be blamed this time..
And then you have another friend who's bugging you to know what in the world is going on with your life.. sounds like a good thing..but nope, it aint that good.. because its not with everyone you have that "chemistry" of telling your stories.. and perhaps, I might have hurt him by refusing to do so..
I know... a pathetic excuse for a friend eh??.. the world is weird I claim.. or maybe its just me.. hmmm.. apparently only I'll end up in this kinda mess.. and yet I'm blessed with such amazing friends..
yikes.. sorry, it was a pretty bad overall.. but it'll be good!.. I hope so..
And I'll conclude this post by something I found is Sarah's blog..
Difficult to earn,
Tough to give,
So powerful,
Yet delicate;
And vulnerable..
Able to bring someone up,
But its also able to tear one to pieces,
Like shattered glass..
Only given once,
Never again,
Always present,
Though often forgotten..
What we call,
Difficult to earn,
Tough to give,
So powerful,
Yet delicate;
And vulnerable..
Able to bring someone up,
But its also able to tear one to pieces,
Like shattered glass..
Only given once,
Never again,
Always present,
Though often forgotten..
What we call,

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