"Cause I am your lady.. and you are my man.. Whenever you reach for me, I'll do all that I can.. We're heading for something.. somewhere I've never been.. Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn of the power of love.."
Celion Dion rocks!!..hehe.. don't you think so?? ... Seriously if you wanna know some real songs or lyrics.. Ronan Keating, Bryan Adams, Michael Jackson.. are to die for.. Westlife, Boyzone BSB, 98 degree.. are when you've already died and went to heaven!!.. Josh Groban, John Mayor, Shayne Ward, Eric Clapton,...are heaven itself!!..=) hehe.. 90's songs rocks!! .... And these are what you call songs la k.. Not "Baby baby baby oh...thought you'd always be mine??!" ..what nonsense..hehehehe..
Sooo...hmm.. lets talk about something interesting.. I mean I know you must be bored listening to my whining about life.. Complaining to God.. facing the fact about how gorgeous and beautiful I am...;p ;p ..hehehehe.. deep down you do agree right??..lol.. Forgive me if you don't.. but I believe sometimes flattery is something that keeps you going..=)
Anyway.. A dear friend of mine was complaining to me..about how insensible, selfish and unthoughtful guys can get.. lol..ok, I added a bit there but chill chill.. dont curse me yet.. Let me just proof myself first k? hehe..
For example.. a minute ago, everything was fine.. and suddenly, we're back to being formal again??!.. And we thought only girls had PMS and mood swing!! ...one day the messages fly like nobody's business.. the next day there's none.. oh wait~~ ..you guys were waiting for us?? ..ok, that makes sense.. and then we girls, dumbly sent one pathetic message.. and these guys..JUAL MAHAL!! ..ish ish.. like giler-giler la k.. But seriously, its either you want her.. or you dont!.. make up your mind.. cause leaving a girl hanging there.. aint fair!.. torturing and mean..=)
Ok, so I may sound harsh and a little hmmm childish.. but please its not that I'm going through it.. I'm way..waaayyy over it!!.. lol.. but allow me to be more sensible.. Have you ever wondered why us girls are given the gift to take care of barbie dolls.. while you guys.. will do whatever it takes to try to tear barbie's heads or hands and of cause her panties??..hehehe.. Its because, we, girls are programmed to care, to be patient, to be kind enough to fix back that broken dolls head.. And you guys are programmed to not destroy but to modify..to handle stuffs, to be trusted..to built and find something big, with speed and to be left alone..
Perhaps thats why, it hurts us girls, when you don't take the effort to reply, msg or call her.. not because we wanna bug you..but because we care.. though it may seem silly and ridiculous.. one msg from you..means the world to her.. one call from you, could drive her crazy.. and trust me, if shes really in it..shes in it for real.. well I know I am..=)
Beyonce's "If I were a boy.." was a lil too bias.. I mean come on!.. that weird species called "men"..must have something in them that makes them useful..heheh.. R.Kelly made it perfect with his REMIX .. but seriously, sometimes I wish the genders could trade places.. at least for one day.. maybe it could make things better..
Hhehehe.. I'm sorry, I was a bit too hyper.. don't mind me.. and of cause, I do believe everyone is different.. every guy is different.. so please, don't terease eh!..hehehe..
well I would end this post by saying something unrelated.. lol..
"You places the stars in the sky and you know them by name..
You see the depth of my heart and you love me just the same..
You are amazing, God.."
I saw this in tumblr!!..and woaaaahh.. I got goosebumps!!
Noble, breathtaking, captivating, Christ-centered femininity is truly a sight to behold. .It’s a beauty that does not draw attention to the woman.., but to Jesus Christ... It’s a radiance that is not dependent upon age,.. circumstances, or physical enhancements... It’s a loveliness that flows from deep within-the refreshing beauty of heaven, of a life transformed from the inside out by Jesus Christ....
P/s A womans heart should be so lost in God..that a guy has to seek God in order to have her..

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