Wow.. I slept before 11P yesterday!!.. Well I wasnt surprise.. hmmm.. had a long, tiring hmm.. and erm.. was someday la.. lol..
I really really shouldnt be posting this post.. cause I'm pretty sure I'll saying things I'm gonna regret but then again.. life is about taking risks..and learning to deal with matter how the outcome turns to be..=)
Ok enough of philosophy lessons..hehe.. let me tell you about yesterday.. 4/2/2010..
Firstly I think I deserve some credit for this accomplishment..cause for the first time in my life I actually handed in my assignment a day BEFORE the due date!!.. meaning.. I didnt do it last minute!!..weeeeeeeee!! ..hehehe.. actually its not that i was bothered about the assignment and decided to spent some time on it..its just that since I didnt have classes on Friday I wanted to save a trip..and hence.. the early assignment hand in.. lol ..but still is so unlike me.. you know.. to be prepared or what-so-ever.. I prefer to do things randomly.. without planning.. cause through experience..I've realized..when you plan..and hope things to go accordingly, it just wouldn't!! besides i like the.."whatever happens..happens.." kinda feeling.. the whole worrying part is left to HIM up there..hehe
Which explains the part of skipping class got out for a movie..with a friend.. which I dont get it.. I mean.. why cant a boy and girl go out for a movie..without being teased?? come on people..just a movie..=) so yeah..
with who??..well the person's name will be kept secret to respect his privacy.. and to save me all the 1001 questions..from the rest..hehehe.. so yeah.. I kinda arrived early.. thought of going to MPH.. to check out some of Judith Mcnaught's collection.. but then I remembered.. "I promised him a gift.." hehe..which was a disaster.. cause I walked all around Mid valley.. only to find the gifts I would like to receive someday.. hehehe..and somehow every gift shop comes with the same gifts!!...sigh.. trust me.. its soooo much easier to get a gift for a girl.. so finally i found something.. that might not be the best gift I could find..but it kinda caught my eyes..hehe.. so yeah..hope he liked it..=)
and you know..Mid valley is like sooooo dead in the morning wei!!.. everyone one was walking around like zombies..lifeless.. lol.. yeah.. went in for the movie..silently praying that for once..mid valley would have some sense and decrease the temperature of the air-cond.. but of cause..they're were determined to make my life harder..than its already is.. by the time I came out of the cinema.. i could tell that my nose was going to fall out any moment..not to mention the brain freeze as well..hehe..
So anyway..the girls were at CHILI'S... so yeah..we ended up there as well..he was eager to meet them..and so were they.. somehow I got stuck in the middle..and had to bring them all together.. lol.. but it was kinda fun.. stuffing some pita bread filled cheese.. down my throat.. lol.. it wasnt that bad..knowing me and cheese never got along..hehe.. laughing endlessly..listening to all their
well..he had to rush home.. and so did I ..hehe..had some calories to burn by playing badminton.. forced him the accept gift I bought..hehe..and was rushing to get the train..
Now here comes the second part of the story..
By the time I reached kajang.. it was raining..not the ordinary rain.. the kinda rain where you wished you were at home..having a cup of hot TOMYAM maggi..on the couch.. watching 'the nanny' was very HEAVY!!.. unfortunately.. i was stuck at the bus stop..catching sights of any MINI bus.. as I was late for my carriage to get me to Kajang prima in shorts, t-shirt and sport shoes.. hehehe..
The carriage I mention..was Lukesh's green Kancil.. hehe.. but it was very sweet of him la.. to still fetch me.. after annoying him every chance i
and as usual..badminton to was a disaster.. I dont know why..every normal situation for others will turn into a DISASTER for me.. its like I was born to be with accidents, clumsy-ness, careless-ness..and make a fool of myself.. lol.. the first went well.. I had doubles with joe.. against Crystal and devan.. but after that.. lol.. I dont really believe in LUCK.. but this time.. it was BAD luck.. hehe..I cant find anymore excuses.. first I blamed the racquet then I tried blaming the court.. finally I stood with BAD luck.. I almost threw my racquet while trying to hit the to mention the part where I accidentally hit joe..while rushing to hit the shuttle.. it wasn't entirely my fault la..we both hit it at the same time..and hence he got but it was hilarious.. we cant stop laughing.. after every hit..hehehe.. well GIRLS!! was so much quieter when the boys played..and we watched..but even then..we started singing dont ask!!..its just us!!..hehe
Played for 2 hours the time i reached was 9.. So tell can I not knock off before 12??hehehhe..
so yeah..thats was my day..hehe..
I think thats enough for now.. or else..i would go on and on.. wouldnt wanna waste anymore of your time..=)
Have a nice day people!!

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