I really shouldn't be blogging now.. well, firstly, I officially started studying..hehehe.. yes.. you got that right!!.. somehow I know I got to start somewhere..and this line woke me up.. "What you can do today, don't wait till tomorrow" ..=) ..so before the pile gets heavier and harder.. I better lighten it!!.. hehe.. and secondly, I should be starting on my assignment.. but the fingers started ITCHING!! ..the heart is acting very restless.. like a warning.. or perhaps a sign of inspiration.. lol.. to not abandon my poor blog for long.. =p it wasnt that long la.. almost 24 hours!! ..hehehee..
Anyway before I continue my crappings.. Due the recent events in my friends life.. A thought crossed my mind while I was taking my shower.. That it is a gift..to be born as a WOMAN!! ..wow..a woman.. a lady.. somehow these words fascinates me.. though both represents the same species but A WOMAN is totally different, both inside and outside..from A GIRL..=)
Some of you..might think I'm being bias or sexist.. But I'm sorry.. I was given the opportunity to hold only ONE gender at A time..and God thought I'd be a better woman..than a man..=) hehe.. of course HE HAS A PLAN FOR EVERYTHING!!.. I tried to fit in the shoes of the opposite sex..unfortunately they don't come in MY size.. and I stopped growing 2 years back!!..=(..*sobs..sobs* .. Hence I don't understand the complexity and uniqueness of being a guy..but yes I'm sure its a gift to experience the joy of being a father..a protector of the family.. to walk his daughter down the aisle..
So what is it like to be a woman??..The shopping, the dressing, the manicure and pedicure, the hairstyles, the facial, the gossips...can be very very VERY EXCITING!!.. it makes a woman feel special in someway..and a way TO BOOST UP THE CONFIDENCE!! but its not even 10% of what a woman is..*this is just my own theory..you may have totally different view from mine..* =)
To start with.. Nope.. its not EASY being a WOMAN.. but I dont think its easy being a GUY as well.. and personally I think they're both EQUAL!! .. Most guys tend to hide what they really feel.. and cover it with their MACHO-NESS..cause the world comes with the perception that.."GUYS NEVER CRY!!" ..which if you ask me..is totally dumb!!..everyone should be able to express their feeling without any barricade!! On the other hand..it is an advantage for women.. for we are labeled as SOFT, EMOTIONAL.. hence its NORMAL when you see a GIRL crying!!.. but no..she's very far from SOFT and EMOTIONAL.. inside God made her as strong as HE could..for He knows it aint gonna be EASY!!
And I have some issues with those who have problems with people being EMO!!..like what on earth..its a free country.. except for Malaysia la.. lol.. lets not start on that..I wont stop then!!.. hehe.. but yeah.. the girl had her heart broken..and she has a right to let it all out.. for if she bottled it up inside..it will eat her up slowly!!..unfortunately some people are determined to wear masks..and live their fake lives.. and they want others to follow them as well!!..sigh..
So back to being a woman..
why is it that woman are also categorized as COMPLICATED?? ..well I agree.. its hard to predict what a woman wants.. they say something..like NO.. but inside..its a BIG YES!! ..and they expect the guys..to read their minds.. which of cause the guys are thoroughly dumb to read between the lines..*no offense*.=p. and conflict happens.. when some things are left unspoken.. its not that complicated actually.. if you really really understand her personality and characteristic..not forgetting her feelings...you would know exactly what she wants..and what to do with her..=)
Lets move to CREAM OF THE CROP in being a WOMAN!! .. have you ever experience a woman's love??.. Like I said, I'm not a lesbian..but yes I'm a woman..*weeee* lol..who of course cannot deny the existence of the opposite sex..who had her heart broken several times..who perfectly understand how exactly a woman's love works...
When a woman falls in love.. she's gives her all.. you can call her dumb.. but thats how her heart works.. though she has learned her lesson many many times.. she continues denying the truth and starts believing the lie.. she'll fight for you..from the beginning till the end.. she'll put her life in every kiss.. and unconditionally, she'll catch you when you fall.. though you tear her apart.. and throw the shattered pieces of her heart.. even if you leave her.. she wishes you joy, happiness and love..
When she becomes a mother.. she'd be ready to die..to save her child if she has too.. day and night..she'll take care that little blood of hers.. for its the greatest gift one could ever receive.. something made of her..and the one she loves.. at the same time..she tries her best to give herself completely to both her loved ones..
Then she balances in becoming a child to her parents as well..=) a friend..to everyone she knows..
most importantly.. she keeps on smiling.. though it hurts deep down..=)
and thats exactly how a woman's love work.. of cause.. not all.. but generally.. and NO.. I'm not being SEXIST.. just stating the truth.. neither am I saying that guys are total JERKS!!.. nope.. just the ones who are heartless and brainless.. how in the world can one find pleasure in BREAKING A GIRL'S HEART??..sigh.. but I'm sure they are still some with brains and heart out there.. and I'm going to find one!!.. or I hope so..=(
so to all broken hearted girl out there... remember.. you are worth soooo much more than the DEGRADING you received!!.. its hard to let go.. I know.. but sometimes you got to let go of that dirty, tiny, ugly stuff..to let in something big..beautiful and worthy INSIDE!! ..you must let go the chains that grips you..and learn how to fly.. for its a beautiful world out there!!..=D
anyway.. guess thats it for today..

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